Skeleton Key

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We were all gathered around a man standing atop a box in front of his podium. The supposed Mayor held a key that gave me a bad feeling.

"Thank you for this amazing turn out!~" The Mayor spoke from his tall stance.
Mei was cheering as Pigsy and Tang side-eyed the Mayor. Me and MK were next to the Mayor on either side of the speech podium.

"Woohoo!! Let's hear it for Monkey Kid and Shadow-Monster Boy! Heroes of the city!" Mei cheered, causing a little bit of a ruckus.
So that's my official hero name, huh? Welp.. might as well get used to it. I thought, putting my hands in my pockets.

"As Mayor, I hereby give Monkey Kid and his Companion the key to our fair city!" The Mayor handed MK the key and gave me a big smile, I felt like sinking into the ground but I endured the attention for now.
MK eagerly took it as a bright blue aura came out of the key.

"Um.. uh- what does this key do, exactly?" MK asked, looking at the Mayor with confusion in his eyes. I was quite intrigued about it's limits as well.. considering it was called the "key to our fair city."

"Oh, you'll love this." The Mayor smirked. "It has the power to open anything!" He gleamed.
I hummed and nodded, looking at the key in MK's hand. Mei went up to the podium and started to question the poor guy.
"Ooh, anythingg? Like a pet shop full of puppiesss?" Mei got closer emphasizing her question.
"Yes! Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source." The Mayor scrambled for a moment before leaning on the podium of his. "Whatever you like! Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the Mayor!" He laughed manically before disappearing with a puff of bright blue smoke.

"Huh.." Mei leaned on the podium the Mayor was previously on. "I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor." She rested her chin on her hand as MK happily squealed over his new possession.
"Wow.. A key that can open anything.." MK hummed, holding the key in his hands. He grabbed me and Mei's arms and ran outside, bringing us all around town to get a bunch of free stuff with said key.





Hours flew by and I was 100% sure I had gotten dizzy from how much we did in the span of.. however long that was. I was exhausted but also overwhelmingly excited.

MK waved his hands in excitement. "Guys, guys!! Okay, hear me out. We knew the key could magically unlock anything. But maybe, it can also magically lock anything too!" MK's eyes sparkled.
"You literally just described all keys.." Mei tilted her head.
"Sure, yeah, fine." MK sulked for a moment.
"Nono, I get it! You mean like lock it in a way where it's like permanently locked! Right?"
MK nodded and held the key loosely. "Do you know what this means? Having this key, this power. It's so much responsibility. But I know what we need to do." MK spoke dramatically before leading us up to our balcony as he went down and did something with the key.
"What did you do?" I whispered, picking up on the fact that we needed to be quiet for some reason. I leaned on the wall of our apartment. 
"Wait for it!" MK looked over the edge, and soon enough Pigsy came around and seemingly unlocked the door to the noodle shop. He went to open it but it didn't budge. I was thoroughly confused.

"Ow! My back!" Pigsy yelped before scrambling to the other entrance and began pounding on the door. "Who's in there!? Get out here! Let me in! Let me into my noodle storeee!!" He cried out, making MK, Mei and me laugh as I watched him scramble all around to find a way into his noodle shop.

"I wish we had this key all the time! I don't think I've had this much fun in.. forever." MK smiled warmly
"Right? Even though I'm kinda tired.. I would love to keep doing this!" I leaned back on the wall just before I felt myself being flung, a massive bit of heat leaving a mark on my back. I winced as I collided with the ground and slowly stood up.

"Noodle boy! Shadow-Monster boy! Finally." Red Son smirked, looking down at us.
"What are you doing in their house!?" Mei yelled at Red Son.
"You better not have touched my stuff!" MK joined in.

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