Ben: Uhh... Wut?! 0///0

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Can Ben be my boyfriend? ^\\\\^

Ben: Uhh... What!? 0///0 I know I said that I was flatter before and that you could play with my joystick but I'm sorry baby. *points to self* This boy will never date. *smiles evilly*

Jeff: Damn...

Jack: That's harsh bro...

Ben: Ehh whatevea... :3 I would only date a girl and I'm dating that girl :3

Hiraite: And who are you dating? *raises eyebrows*

Ben: Games ^\\\\^ Especially "The Legend Of Zelda" games. Because-

Jack: Because of your crush on Zelda. We know dude... You talk about her all the damn time...

Ben: Really?

Masky: Yes actually...

Ben: -_- Prove it...

Masky: Well it was yesterday when you were reading a comic, in your room, about Legend Of Zelda and you were on the chapter where Shadow Link was banging Zelda...

Ben: And..??

Masky: kept moaning... with your pants down... and your 'joystick' out...

Ben: 0////0 *blushes madly* How do you know that shit!?!?

Hoodie: That would be me... *comes out of the shadows* :3 you need to cover you windows and drown out your moans... Can't believe no one else heard them... *laughs*

Ben: *is too shocked* 0.0

Hiraite: Well @That1MinecraftWriter... Looks like that's a no... And I'm staying away from this- *points to Ben* -perv forever.... -_-

Ben: *still has a shocked expression* 0.0

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