Chapter 7:"We were alone, in an alley."

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There was no way I am going to his office to apologize.

Did he think I was an imbecile?

I barely made it out of there last time I went. There is no way I'm going willingly again.

The door was unlocked when I checked it this morning.

Last night I stayed up tossing and turning, getting up to see if it was unlocked, wondering if we would be in here forever.

Of course, I could've called the police.


My phone magically didn't have any service until I woke up, whatever was locking me in was gone, making me look like a fool with no evidence if I ever did decide to go to the cops.

It was completely and utterly infuriating.

Right now I was packing our bags. I was hoping Mrs. Honey would let us stay with her, if not I would just have to go to a shelter or a motel with money I did not have.

I wanted to get out of here as quick as possible, afraid he would find out what I was planning to do and put the lock or barricade or whatever it was back.

I gently woke Elle up, let her eat breakfast and dressed both of us, grabbed our bags and briskly left the apartment building.

The walk to the café was filled with Elle's mindless chatter getting drowned out by the road rage of the people who were lucky enough to afford cars.

As soon as the bell sounded as we opened the door to the café, I relaxed. Yes, he knew I worked here, but he wouldn't dare do anything in such a public setting.

I hope.

"Ah, my babies! How are you today?" She asked with a big smile, kissing our foreheads before turning her attention to our bags.

"What's this all about?"


She looked worried for us.

I had just finished telling her the events of last night while Elle was drawing and watching cartoons on my phone at a nearby table.

"Can we crash here tonight?" I finally asked, dread churning in my stomach. I didn't like asking for help and I didn't know what I would do if she said no.

"Yes of course hun, I just don't know what to do about the whole situation. I would tell you to leave and get as far away from here as possible, but I have a feeling that would make him even more angry."

I nodded agreeing with her, sighing in relief that she said yes.

She had won a huge place in my heart in the past couple of weeks. She acted like my mom, something I never got to experience.

Lets just say my past relationship with my real mom was... not traditional.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Honey. You have no idea how much this means to me."

I meant every word.

"Your so welcome, my sweet girl," She said, embracing me. Elle then came running to our table, jumping into the hug.

"Don't hug without me again," She pouted and all I felt was love.

I will never understand people that cause harm to others, especially their own kids.

Like my parents did...

On another note, Mrs. Honey had another delivery today, and after her assuring me that it definitely wasn't to him, I agreed to take it.

It was on the opposite side of town from where his office was and that helped ease my worries.

It was about a forty-five minute walk there, but I didn't mind. I actually quite liked walking.

Only because you need to burn off all those calories your fat ass eats.

I blocked out the rest of the thoughts waiting to ambush me. I was having a good day and my own brain was not about to ruin it.

I dropped the pastries off at a business firm, and began my walk back, people watching.

The people of New York were really something else.

I was about twenty minutes away from the café when I noticed three huge men dressed in all black uniforms of some sort walking towards me.

I looked around to see if maybe they were heading for someone else but when they got close enough that I could read the words embroidered over their left peck I knew they were coming for me.

De' Luca Inc.

I ran.

I ran so fast.

I have never ran that long in my entire life before.

By the time I made it to a small alley way, I was about to pass out. I was most definitely out of shape.

I leaned against the wall of a building, closing my eyes and trying to will myself to run again when I heard clapping.

Standing to my left was Dante De' Luca, clad in an all black suit, looking as attractive as ever.

I hated myself for even thinking about that.

"Well done. I didn't think you could run that fast. Dully noted."

Fear wrapped around my throat as I noticed what was in his hand.

A gun.

Did he plan on killing me here? I mean it would make since. We were alone, in an alley.

"I told you there would be consequences if you did not show up to my office, did I not?"

I did not like where this was going. I turned to run but his hand was wrapped around my wrists in no time, almost like he was anticipating it.

"I asked you a question," He growled down at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was frozen.

"I suppose maybe I should ask the same question to little Elle if you can't answer?"

It sounded like a threat. Probably because it was. I suddenly found my voice.

"N-no. You leave her out of this." I demanded in the strongest voice I could muster. Still, my voice shook.

"Ah," He tsked, "You see I don't quite enjoy taking orders. But I do like giving them."

He lowered a white cloth onto my face.

"Now breath in deep."

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