Imagine 1-street fight *all of them*

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You had just gotten into this massive street fight whilst trying to come home from work and were on your way home from the police station.

Eventually you arrived back and everyone was wondering where you were as you would have been home by now.
"Maybe we could call her work,they might have kept her behind" Joey suggested.

In that moment you walked through the door covered in bruises with a really tired look on your face.

"Oh my god y/n what happened!" Monica screamed
"Well I was getting into my cab to come home and this woman just started yelling in my face. Obviously I wasn't gonna let her carry on. She was claiming that it was hers,when clearly it wasn't."


"Then I didn't let her have it so she punched me and then it just turned into this giant street fight with most of the streets surrounding us and chanting."

"What were they chanting?" Pheebs asked.

"I don't even know I was just too focused on putting this fat gremlin in her place!"

"Fair enough I guess"

All of us were now sat around the table and I still had to explain the rest of the story to them.

"Of course the police were aware and I swear I saw a bunch of them running down to us like lunatics,but I'm telling you that didn't stop me! I grabbed her and floored her."

"What happened after?" Rachel asked

"They took us both in for questioning and we had to give this statement thing in,so I wrote 'I just wanted my cab' "

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