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"yes, he was texting me saying how he would love to have child with me, and make sure I'm the only girl he will be with, I'm sorry this is happening to you, I don't wish this on you or me or any other girl."

i nodded and said "thank you for telling me, this means a lot." The girl nods and gets up and leaves the cafe as I sit down thinking to myself about all this information that just happened.


those are the words I thought I could never say. but I guess I did.

i wasted all my 2 years with me. I could've been partying doing everything a SINGLE girl would have been doing. But no.

i was to stuck up on kai and caring and worrying about him so much I forgot about myself. I can't be with him. He's a cheater.

a liar.
a snake.
a bitch.

i wipe my tears from my eyes and sit up grabbing my stuff and my phone. i walked to duke's car that I'm sharing with him and I drove back to the amp house.

i got back and I was so mad I just wanted to confront kai whoever I saw him. And I walked inside the house and I saw kai sitting down with agent and all.

i rolled my eyes at him and said "kai? Can we talk?" Kai looks confused and said "yeah of course mama." And we walked to HIS room now.

i closed the door and said "tell me the truth." kai looks confused and said "what truth?" I scoffed and said "about Leah." Kai looks like he saw a ghost once I said her name. Kai starts to stutter over his words "I-i d-don't kn-know a le-leah."

i laughed and said "funny because I just met up with her and she knew you a lot." Kai looks down and says "I never wanted you to find out." I scoffed and said "find out what? Thag my boyfriend was cheating on me the whole time."

Kai nods and says "I feel like us isn't working out anymore. I love you I really do it's just not the love we had before it's gone now." I nodded and said "kai that's all you had to tell me, you didn't have to cheat."

Kai nods and says "I know, I just didn't want to hurt you." I rolled my eyes and said "you already hurt me enough."

Kai left them room. I took a deep breath in and realized i couldn't hold my tears in anymore. I started to cry. I hear the door behind open I look back to see Duke. Duke hugs me and says "what's wrong sis?" I cried into his chest and said "kai cheated. He said he didn't feel the love that we had before now." Duke shakes his head and mutters "what a fucking dummy."

duke kisses my forehead and says "it's okay, you gon get through this." I nodded and said "yeah." Duke pulls me back and smiles saying "now let's pack your shit and move you into the empty bedroom upstairs we ain't having you stay with a cheater."

I smiled and said "okay." Duke kisses my forehead and says "there's my lil happy sister."

i packed all of my stuff and started to unpack it into my OWN room that's upstairs apparently it's by agent00 and Davis.

Which I don't mind I like them both.

I'm unpacking my stuff right now and I get a notification on my phone and I opened it to see everyone already knows about me and kai's breakup. Kai posted it on his story saying.

"I would like thank Yaya for the happiest 2 years of my life. We had and have each other back no matter what. The time for us right now isn't just right. And I don't want any rumors happening. To answer all the questions. Yes I did cheat on Yaya with someone. It was a mistake and I regret it fully. It shouldn't have happened to someone like Yaya. Me and Yaya are broken up and we broke up on mature terms. There isn't any bad blood just hurt and regret. I wish Yaya the best and want her to move forward into her career. - kai cenat"

i smiled knowing it takes a lot for a ken to admit his wrongs. Especially in front of his world wide fan base.

I'm sitting down on my bed right now while unpacking my art and books and all. I hear a knock on my door and I looked up to see agent and I smiled and said "come in." Agent smiles and comes in and closes my door softly and says "how you doing?"

I nodded and said "not good but also good at the same time." Agent nods and sits next to me and says "I heard what happened. He's dumb." I nodded and said "yeah he is but he made a mistake his gonna regret for the rest of his life."

Agent nods and says "yeah true." I looked down and organized the mess on my bed. And agent smiles and says "so later tonight we are doing the dinner. and I was wondering if you wanted to sit next to me."

I nodded and said "sure agent." Agent smiles and says "okay I'll see you later tonight." I nodded and said "okay."

And with that agent left closing my door on the way out. I shake my head with a smile on my lips.
words - 960
( authors note - agent so fine. like mane. i wish guys looked like him at my school. )

who would've thought - kai cenat // agent00Where stories live. Discover now