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ren't meant to last forever
smell the rose while it's still alive
But do not hate it for wilting"


Gemini and Fourth sat silently on the couch in Fourth's condo living room, both lost in thought as they stared blankly at the wall. Wondering if everything they've been through within 6 years will vanish with an unforeseen glimpse.

"Are you tired?" Fourth suddenly broke the silence, as they had remained silent since Gemini asked to slip away.

"I'm not... I'm not happy anymore," Gemini replied, tears forming in Fourth's eyes.

"What happened? It's just... I find it strange. We were both so happy yesterday, and now... what a perfect twist of fate," Fourth said in disbelief. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Gemini turned his gaze toward Fourth but immediately regretted it. Seeing Fourth in tears was tearing him apart. He wanted to wipe those tears away, just as he always had, but he didn't want to give Fourth false hope.

He sighed. "I know it may sound cliché, like something you'd hear in a movie or TV show... It's not you; it's me. I'm the one who's changed. It feels strange, but I don't want to continue this relationship, and you don't deserve that, Fourth." He turned his gaze away from Fourth.

"By any chance... is there someone else?" Fourth asked, and Gemini chuckled.

"Relationships always seem to end because of that third-party nonsense, but I promise you, I'm not one of them. Fourth, I've always been honest with you from the beginning. I don't have anyone else... for now."

Fourth looked at him sadly. "Then what made you give up?"

Gemini smiled bitterly. "I have no idea. I can't give you the reason you deserve right now, but all I know is that one day, I woke up feeling different."

"So, you got tired of me?"

"I never got tired of you, not at all. It's just that I don't feel the same way as before, my heart stopped beating for you, I'm no longer happy and I don't wanna fool myself that I'm still in love with you even if the truth is I no longer have feelings for you."

"How could you?."

"I know, because I actually do," Gemini replied.

Fourth suddenly stood up from the couch, walked toward the window, and let the fresh air fill the room.

"Can you give me at least an acceptable reason? What you've said isn't enough," Fourth said without looking back.

"Fourth... I want to explore new things. I want to fall in love again with someone new, to experience affections I haven't felt before," Gemini explained, and Fourth sarcastically chuckled.

"Bullshit," he mumbled. "Gemini, you just don't love me enough to make you want to stay in our relationship," he said, finally turning to look at Gemini.

"I do love you, but it's not the same as before. I don't know how things have changed, but I don't want to continue like this anymore."

"Aren't you just confused?"

"I'm not, Fourth."

"Then why?" Fourth asked in despair.

"I... I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, Gemini. Feelings can change suddenly, and you didn't choose for this to happen. Even if I want to hold you back, it would be selfish of me. I don't want you to stay if you're not happy," Fourth said bitterly.

"You deserve better, Fourth. Even if you don't believe it, I'm not good enough for you."

"You were enough, Gemini. You just didn't realize it," Fourth said, and the atmosphere fell quiet as their six-year-old memories flooded their minds.


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