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"The worse about
Loving someone,
The longer you unable
To get rid of what you feel
The further you feel The pain"


"Spill the tea," Love started while sitting like a queen.

"What!?" Fourth annoyedly said as he took a seat across from her.

"Stop the bullshit, Fourth. Don't beat around the bush anymore. You know what we're trying to point out," Dunk added, sitting beside Love, while Satang observed quietly.

Fourth remained silent. He didn't want to talk about it because he knew his friends would just nag him until he came to his senses. But this time, that seemed impossible.

However, Fourth's silence irritated Love. She stood up abruptly, picked up a vase from the coffee table, and didn't think twice before hurling it against the wall, startling everyone in the room.

Fourth, Dunk, and Satang grew nervous, well aware of Love's temper. They knew she had a history of losing control, and the consequences were never pleasant. The last time she got this angry, she had sent someone to the hospital and shattered the window glass of Dunk's apartment, which had cost him 45,000 Bath.

Love was visibly shaking with rage, and Fourth felt like a dog obeying his master.

"You know, Fourth, I can be a real bitch when I'm angry. So don't test my patience," she threatened.

"I-I know," Fourth stammered nervously.

"Good, but I think we need a drink. Who agrees with me?" Dunk suggested, and they all nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later, Dunk had eight cans of beer in front of him, laid out on the coffee table. They each grabbed a can and took a sip.

"So, what happened?" Satang asked.

"He told me he isn't happy anymore, but he isn't tired of me. I'm keeping him while he waits for someone, that's all," Fourth explained as he toyed with the ring on his finger.

"Do you have no backbone? Don't you resent him?" Love furiously exclaimed.

"How could I hate him when it's obvious how much I love him? If you cut ties with everyone for all sorts of reasons, you'll be left alone in the end. That's why it's easier to forgive than to be left alone," Fourth replied, his gaze shifting away.

"What do you call us, Fourth!?" Dunk irritably questioned.

"That's another thing," Fourth mumbled.

"Fourth, he obviously doesn't love you anymore. So why are you letting him keep you, even if you'll get hurt no matter what you do?" Satang said.

"Is he stupid, no— is he a bastard?" Love asked incredulously.

"He isn't," Fourth defended Gemini.

"Stop defending him, Fourth! Don't be blinded by his love. You don't deserve this. Wake up! Are you really that pathetic to be fooled by your little game?" Dunk advised. Fourth immediately turned his gaze toward Dunk, sarcastically chuckling.

"Dunk, I just love him truly. I'm not the typical person who throws hateful words and carries my anger until I feel satisfied. Don't act like you've never been in my shoes before. I may be the foolishest person in the worst situation, but I'm not that narrow-minded, Dunk. I'm not like you, still in love with your first love and trying to dig from the past. I'm not yo—" Fourth didn't have the chance to finish his sentence when Dunk grabbed his collar, and Satang and Love quickly intervened, pulling them apart.

Hold Me While You Wait (GeminiFourth)Where stories live. Discover now