CHAPTER SIX: Twist of Fate

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No one in this world deserves pain.
Sometimes, the worst experiences
are also blessings.
Always remember that

"I'm good at waiting ,even if it takes 100 or 1000 times it's alright for me to wait for him , But i'm afraid that one day i may not have to wait for him anymore"


Fourth's face was beet red, and his skin glistened with sweat in a way that had Mark worried. His lips were puffed out, and the skin on them showed the first signs of dehydration. Even stripped down, he was burning up, and all Mark could do was open the window to let the fresh wind provide some relief. He swore to God he was worried.

He placed his hand over the younger man's temple to measure his temperature, and he hissed when he found out that Fourth was burning up like a flame.

"Fuck, Fourth, you're burning as hell," Mark hissed. Fourth shook his head and glanced at him with half-open eyes.

"Don't worry; it's only a slight fever," he said, shifting to sit up. Mark clicked his tongue and shook his head, indicating that he wasn't convinced.

"I'm not that dumb, Fourth. I'm not convinced. Hang in there; I'll just get you some soup," he said and left the bedroom. Fourth let out a sigh because no matter what he did, Mark had already made up his mind, and no one could change it.

Since the incident happened, Fourth had officially lost contact with Gemini, and it had already been three days since they parted ways. Sometimes, he wanted to send a message or call him, and as he found himself holding his phone, he would instantly cancel his compositions, realizing he was making another mistake. He would just throw his phone to the side of his bed, curl under his blanket like a cat, and cry over and over again. That had become his daily routine for those three days. He often slept, to the point where he forgot to eat a meal—well, maybe at least one meal in a day.

'I wonder how Gemini is doing. Does he eat three times a day? Does he smile often? Does he miss me as I miss him? Does he ever think about me, like I often think about him? Does he ever cry himself to sleep? Does he ever dream about me when he falls asleep? Does he ever attempt to send me a message just to ask how I'm doing? Does he ever regret breaking up with me?... Stupid, of course not. You're such an idiot to wonder about something that doesn't make any sense. Fourth, wake up. Gemini is already making new memories with Prim. Just stop being delusional; you're only hurting yourself.'

He placed his arm above his eyes and didn't think about anything. He didn't want to think right now; all he wanted was space and peace for a while. However, he felt Mark's presence when he smelled some food, and there was the guy holding a tray with a bowl of what he guessed was congee based on how it smelled.

"Here, eat some congee," Mark said and scooped some into a spoon before offering it to Fourth. "Come on, eat."

"But I don't have an appetite," Fourth complained like a child, folding his arms and kicking the air with his legs. Mark rolled his eyes as Fourth remained stubborn.

"Stop acting like a child, you need to eat, especially since you've gotten thinner and paler these past few days. What's gotten into you?" Mark snorted as he scolded Fourth again.

"I don't want to."

"Eat. otherwise, I'll kiss you," Fourth immediately gave Mark a glare.

"Don't you dare."

Mark let out a breath. "Then eat this, you need to gain some strength. Do you still take your meds?" Mark asked, but Fourth didn't respond, ignoring him. He just decided to get the spoon from Mark and eat the congee, even though he had no appetite.

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