chapter six

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I stir in my bed, coming in and out of a deep sleep.

My eyes pop open and adjust to the darkness of my bedroom. Everything is silent and the time on my digital clock reads 5:25 am.

Strong arms tighten on my waist, causing me to jolt.

Grayson groans in my ear and pulls me even closer to his bare chest. We are twisted in my sheets, the warmth from him is radiating onto my back.

"Go back to sleep, we still have time." He mumbles, his breath fanning against my ear.

"He'll be up soon making coffee." I whisper, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

Instead of responding, Grayson starts kissing my neck. I giggle and try my best to be as silent as possible.

For the past week, ever since our romantic afternoon at the docks, I've been sneaking Grayson into my bed at approximately midnight. By then, my parents and April are both sleeping, especially during the weekdays.

We've been sleeping together and cuddling every night, and it's truly a thrilling experience.

And okay, we do more than just sleep. But it's so hard to remain quiet when he's working wonders to my body.

We usually wake up around six in the morning so he can sneak back out the window. So far, Inez's parents haven't noticed he's been coming and going. And we're hoping it stays that way.

"Five more minutes." He says, his voice still filled with sleep.

I turn and face him. My hand immediately begins to play with his messy hair.

"My parents can never know you've been sleeping here. They'd freak out." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"They won't." Grayson opens his eyes and stares at me with a loving smile. "They'll never know."

"I hate sneaking around, being a secret." I bite down on my lower lip.

I wish Grayson and I can go public with our relationship. Even though we don't have a label, we've spent the entire week together.

He's been dodging Ethan and Inez, while I've been canceling my plans with April to meet him behind the mall.

It's like we're living in our own private bubble, where nobody exists but us.

Without replying, Grayson rolls on top of me and kisses my forehead.

"You need to relax, babe."

"I just worry." I mutter, staring at him through the darkness.

He suddenly kicks my legs apart and kneels in front of me, using his hands to pull my shorts down to my ankles.

"What are you doing?" I gasp, staring down at him with a mixture of horror and amusement painting my face.

Without responding, he puts his tongue on my wet center. I moan, writhing in front of him, closing my eyes.

Grayson starts to rub my clit with his finger, while diving into me with his tongue. My moans intensify as I lace my fingers through his hair.

"Tell me how to make this good for you." He mumbles into my lips, still licking me.

"I don't know." I grow nervous, since sex is so new to me.

"You do, just tell me."

I pause. "Touch my clit."

He does.

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