chapter three

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"You're insane." Ethan grumbles as we walk out of our dorm building, jogging down the steps in a quick stride.

"How am I insane? We're sophomores now, we should be more involved in campus activities." I shrug my shoulders and place my skateboard down on the ground.

Ethan lets out a sigh as I begin to slowly balance myself on the board. Even when my twin walks, I always ride along next to him.

"Because you don't know anything about sports, let alone football. Which is the most popular one."

"Neither do you. Going to the game is a fun activity." I retort, keeping my eyes straight ahead.

"Who is Betty going with? I know it's not Inez." He flashes me a look of disapproval.

"She's not going to be there." I pretend to furrow my eyebrows, acting as if I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Don't give me that crap. This is clearly some secret mission to spy on her or keep tabs on her. You're starting to turn into Joe Goldberg."

I roll my eyes at his comparison to a tv show serial killer. "Now who's the dramatic one?"

"Maybe you should respect her wishes and leave her alone. She needs time to heal."

"I'm not saying I'm going to do anything. I just want to watch the game, that's all." I glance at him, noticing he's keeping a steady pace with me.

Ethan knows when I'm lying. We were in the womb together so I'd say our bond is pretty tight. He also probably has that twin telepathy to call me out on my bullshit.

Honestly, I don't have a real plan. I just want to go to the game and see how that asshole acts around my girl.

I know I should probably let it go. We haven't actually been together in a while. But ever since I saw her again in Charleston, I knew she was the girl I wanted to be with.

"I'm just saying, this is kinda dumb." My twin gives me a pointed look as we approach the field.

There's already a lot of people piling into the entrance. I don't even have a full guarantee that I'll see Betty and Travis. They could be hidden amongst the USC students.

"How is going to a football game dumb?" I smirk at him, knowing how to annoy my brother.

"That's not the dumb part. It's you coming here, and dragging me, because Betty is probably with a guy."

"Not just any guy." I finally reveal with a sigh, hopping off my skateboard.

"Oh no." Ethan stops walking, causing me to halt.

"What?" I question, confused.

"She's here with Travis, isn't she?" He curses under his breath.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"Grayson, you know he'll try to fight you. You don't need any trouble at the start of the semester."

"I'd love to see the Aussie try." My eyes roll in boredom.

Even though Travis is a tall guy, a few inches taller than myself, I'm sure I can take him in a fight.

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