Chapter 2: The train and a mad hat

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Harry Potter was having a great time his world was flipped upside down by the world of magic. He was now sitting on his trunk, trying not to laugh as Draco explained proper edict to him.

"Draco it hopeless I'm hopeless I'm gone fail Hogwarts and get sent back to the muggles world" Harry said dramatically which Draco saw as a sign of giving up.

"No you belong at Hogwarts more then those filthy muggles so stop whining and show me you greeting" Harry stood up and bowed half way "I'm Harry, Harry Potter" Harry said using his James bond impersonation which actually made Draco happy and the blonde decided to move on to wand edict. It was impolite to ask what was in another wizard wand with out them offering it was also against edict to use another wizard or witches wand without there permission. The boys were called down to the last breakfast with the adult Malofy's and Harry and Draco were best friends they had even found out they where cousins through Draco's mom.

After breakfast Harry and the Malfoy's appeared at the wall between Platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station. Harry blinked and huffed, trying to remember what it was that he read in Hogwarts a history about the wall. He then thought back to Hagrid who had been so nice to him but the man was an absolute idiot, Harry thought as he went forward fallowing the Malfoy family the man was going to send him back to the filthy muggles but the Malfoys had rescued him. Harry mused to himself if he had stayed with the Dursleys he'd probably be dead for bring all the freakish books and wand into there home.

Draco looked at him and smiled at Harry and then stepped forwards pulling harry through the walls he continued tugging along his own trolley.

"Well, it's quite simple really you just walk through that wall. The platform is on the other side." Draco said amused at Harry's face. Harry laughed he had know that but doing it was another thing entirely to do.

"Thank you" Harry said happily.
" its the least I could do since where related" Harry smiled at Draco and fallowed the confident boy towards the train

Draco hopped up onto the carriage gracefully turning and grabbing the end of Harry's trunk, pulling as Harry pushed.

"There you go." Draco said seeing the smile of thanks on Harry's face.

He got down, and they switched places to get Draco's trunk onto the train, Draco hugging his parents and promising to write before he got on board, looking at Harry in though.

"You'd do best to stick with me,since you're still clueless, and I'm not. I can help." Draco said trying not to sound rude but still managing to come off that way. Harry had become rather use to it in the past week. Harry let out a slow breath, he was not an idiot by any means and he knew when to except help .

"Sounds like my best option, yeah. So, where are we sitting?" Harry asked suddenly but Draco was already moving, and Harry took larger steps to catch up.

"Ill introduce you to the proper people don't worry and they will help me give you a crash course in wizarding customs." Draco said happily as he pulled a door open and grinned.

"Harry, this is Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Tracey Davis, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bulstrode, and Theodore Nott all the important people you'll need to know" " Draco said introducing the boys and girl who stood and took another few steps towards Harry at the introduction of them being the only proper people. The girls where now standing inches from Harry who was off put by there examination.

"This is Harry Potter and no he's on our side about muggles, right P- Harry" Draco said almost addressing Harry as Potter which Harry had really come to dislike.

"Yep you bet" Harry said scanning the group and taking in the two boys they reminded him of his cousin and not in a good way, crabbe and Goyle. he decided it was best to stay on this groups good side if they had one that he could find.

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