Ch.5: Put to the test

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While it wasn't talked about the students at dumstag were dark. Prone to dark magic, promiscus nature and fights. When Harry and Draco first arrived the boys at the school backed of, that was until Leon Trayger Got curious and began harassing the boys. Durmstrang was indeed a school with a reputation for its rigorous and sometimes unconventional approach to magic. While it attracted students with a wide range of backgrounds and talents, there was a dark undercurrent that flowed through its halls, a legacy of its history and the preferences of some of its students.

When Harry and Draco first arrived, they couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere among their fellow students. The boys at Durmstrang, with their proclivity for dark magic and a certain disregard for rules, were unlike any they had encountered before. It wasn't just the dark arts; there was a promiscuous nature and a penchant for fights that made the school an unsettling place at times.

At first, the other students seemed to keep their distance from Harry and Draco. The boys from England were viewed with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Their reputation from Hogwarts, coupled with their association with the Malfoys, made them objects of both intrigue and suspicion.

However, as time passed, some students couldn't resist their curiosity, and one boy, in particular, stood out. Leon Trayger, known for his recklessness and insatiable curiosity about the dark arts, decided to test the waters with Harry and Draco.

He began to harass them, asking probing questions about their knowledge of dark magic and challenging them to demonstrate their skills. His taunts and provocations were meant to gauge the newcomers' reactions, but Harry and Draco were no strangers to adversity.

Rather than responding with aggression, they maintained their composure and focused on their studies. Leon Trayger had pushed them to their limit. When he clamped his hand down tightly on Harry's shoulder, it was as if all the pent-up frustration and anger had reached its breaking point.

Harry, who had been steadily growing more and more irritated with Trayger's persistent harassment, finally snapped. Without thinking, he turned around and delivered a swift punch to Trayger's face, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Don't touch me," Harry ordered, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and warning.

The sudden display of physical prowess and the unmistakable message in Harry's tone left the other students in shock. Trayger, lying on the ground, was equally stunned.

Draco stood beside Harry, offering his support and showing that they would stand together against anyone who tried to harm them. The message was clear: they were not to be trifled with.

Trayger, nursing his bruised face, struggled to his feet, realizing that he had underestimated the two newcomers. The incident served as a turning point, not just for Harry and Draco but for the entire school.

News of the confrontation spread like wildfire, and while some students were apprehensive about the boys' strength, others began to see them in a new light. The dark atmosphere at Durmstrang seemed to waver, as if the shadows were retreating in the face of unwavering determination.

Harry and Draco's actions sent a powerful message—they would not allow themselves to be victims of the darker tendencies at Durmstrang. They had come to the school to learn and grow, not to be subjected to harassment and intimidation.
After the incident with Leon Trayger, Durmstrang had become a more complex place for Harry and Draco. The atmosphere was shifting, and while they had gained some respect for their strength, they were still navigating the school's dark influences.

It was during this period of uncertainty that Viktor Krum, the renowned Bulgarian Quidditch player and Durmstrang alumnus, took an interest in Harry and Draco. Krum had been a Triwizard Tournament champion and was known for his skills in both Quidditch and the dark arts.

Krum's reputation preceded him, and his aura exuded power and confidence. He had seen something in Harry and Draco, a potential that he believed needed guidance. Recognizing their determination and resilience, he decided to take them under his wing.

Viktor Krum began mentoring Harry and Draco in the dark arts, sharing his knowledge and expertise. He taught them advanced spells and techniques, emphasizing the importance of control and discipline when dealing with the darker aspects of magic.

Under Krum's guidance, Harry and Draco learned to harness their magical abilities with precision and finesse. They practiced dueling and defensive spells relentlessly, becoming formidable wizards in their own right.

But Krum's mentorship went beyond just teaching them magic. He also imparted valuable life lessons, reminding them that true strength came from within and that they should never compromise their principles.

Krum's presence at Durmstrang became a beacon of inspiration for the other students as well. His powerful aura and unwavering dedication to the dark arts were undeniable. Yet, he had chosen to use his knowledge and skills for good, becoming a Quidditch champion and an advocate for the rights of magical creatures.

Harry and Draco admired Krum not just for his magical prowess but for the man he had become. They saw in him a role model who had overcome adversity and who stood up for what was right. His guidance helped them solidify their own commitment to using their talents to protect and defend, rather than to harm.

As the school year at Durmstrang came to an end, Harry and Draco reflected on how far they had come since their arrival as first years. The challenges they had faced, the friendships they had forged, and the mentorship of Viktor Krum had transformed them into formidable wizards.

Their academic achievements had been nothing short of remarkable, and their skills in the dark arts had grown exponentially. The once-daunting atmosphere at Durmstrang had gradually shifted, thanks in part to Harry and Draco's unwavering determination and their willingness to stand up against the darker influences.

Their friendship with Krum had been a defining factor in their journey. He had not only taught them advanced magical techniques but had also instilled in them the importance of using their powers responsibly and ethically. Krum's example as a Quidditch champion who stood up for the rights of magical creatures had left a lasting impact on both boys.

The end of the school year brought a sense of accomplishment and the promise of a new beginning. Harry and Draco were no longer the timid first years who had arrived at Durmstrang, seeking refuge from their troubled pasts. They were now confident and determined individuals ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Their connection with their friends from Hogwarts remained strong, and they looked forward to reuniting with them during the summer break. The letters they exchanged throughout the year served as a lifeline to their previous lives, reminding them of the enduring friendships they cherished.

As they packed their belongings and prepared to leave Durmstrang for the summer, Harry and Draco knew that their journey was far from over. The wizarding world held many mysteries and challenges, but they were ready to face them head-on, armed with knowledge, friendship, and a strong sense of purpose.
The first year at Durmstrang had been a transformative experience, and they couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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