Chapter 3: The day of reckoning

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Harry awoke to a gentle shaking he opened his eyes to see Draco staring at him. Harry blinked and set up stretching as Draco ordered him to get dressed. Then Draco, Basile, Neville and Harry went down the stairs and were cornered by the girls; Pansy Tracey, Daphne, and Millicent who grabbed each a boys arm as Theodore walked in and Tracy grabbed his arm with her free hand. The large group marched into the halls having released hands before entering since they had images to up hold they set where first years set at Slytherin table but where quickly surrounded by older years who began talking to Harry.
"So Potter I heard you died, Never expected you to land yourself in Slytherin" Harry smiled at that and then stuck out his hand.
"Not entirely sure what you think about me but I can guarantee its all wrong" Harry said pointedly. The older boy raised an eye brow.
"Really whats your stance on muggles?"
"Hate um nasty sort of people" Harry said crinkling his nose in disgust.
The boy laughed and smiled as though he was just seeing Harry.
"Really?" The boy said shocked.
"first hand knowledge" Harry stared turning back to draco and the group.
"Wait Potter I'm Marcus Flint slytherin quidditch captain welcome to Slytherin" Harry turned back and shook the older boys hand. He was soon bombarded by the other slytherins who seemed to accept him. Harry felt embarrassed from all the questions and tried to excuse himself but Draco whispered it would be best to wait for the schedules. Harry nodded and put on his brave fearless face as he politely entertained the group. He then tried to talk to just Draco but was enterupted by a charmed paper airplane aimed at Harry's head. Harry had somehow felt it coming and had turned just in time to catch it. Snape appeared and seemed to trace the airplane to Ron Weasley who hide behind another student named Nott while under the intense glare.

"Here you are Potter" Snape said laying a schedule and envelope. Harry frowned as he looked around noticing that no one else had received a letter. Draco raised an eyebrow in curiosity as Harry stood and motioned for him to fallow. Draco stood and walked after him slowly while Neville jumped up and then slowly fallowed them out of the door and then chased after them.

Harry stopped to read the note and frowned as Draco and Neville stared over his shoulder. He slowly opened the envelope to see the school seal it was from professor Dumbledore. Harry priced his lips together he had a few nasty things to say to the rotten old man.

"Harry?" Neville asked concerned he had never seen harry look so angry and terrifying .

"I'm fine Nev just going to go give the crack pot old man a piece of my mind?" Harry said in a rather annoyed voice. Neville gave a semi smile while Draco seemed to contemplate what was happening so all the way to the office Draco was listing of reasons Dumbledore could be charged with child endangerment, child neglect as a magical guardian, child abuse and endangerment of minor all charged throw the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as well as the Judicial department.

Harry took a deep breath and looked to his friends who nodded encouragingly as they walked away towards class. Harry frowned and said the password which was "Lemon drop" and the door flew open. Harry stalked in and stopped at a beautifully colored phoenix who shrilled and hooted at him. Harry could help but loss his anger. he reached out and stroked the phoenix's feathers. The bird leaned into his hand as Dumbledore walked in though he said nothing as he watch how Harry interact with the Phoenix. Harry then felt eyes on him and turned to glare at the man who just smiled a twinkle in his eyes.

"Come sit Harry" Dumbledore said motioning to a seat across from his desk.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Harry said casually taking a seat as he held back his rage.

"Yes my boy I'm concerned for your well being" Dumbledore started causing harry to almost snort. "When you went to get your school supplies with Hagrid you went missing and the wards around your Aunts home failed" Harry tilted his head to the side and then remembered Draco's lecture on the different types of wards that Hogwarts had.

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