What A Rough Night

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"W-what is this?!" A man gets off his vehicle seeing that he could get pass and ran over something

"Hey! Get out of the way you're blocking the road!" Another calls out

"Damnit what the hell is this- a-AGHHHH!!" The person infront of him has been ripped apart and the other pierced by my hands.

Wait by me?

I woke up sweating in my sleep, quickly uncovering my blanket and see black dust all over disappearing

Was Fro sleeping with me again...?

I sigh and head downstairs to get a cup of water only to see a note from Miss Peach being at the Academy for the whole night until the next day after for the Festival,

"...Fro it would be really nice if you come out now..." I talk to myself and look around the Kitches and see nothing

" I'm really sorry about what I said...But in this world we have to really be careful, we dont want to push them to see us as a threat and worse- they have bigger enemies to deal with than just us..." I look at a mirror and frown

"If this was our world...we would have been running all of our lives until we are in the governments custody as lab rats...But here." I see black dust coming from my hands

"We have new friends, a new school...new mother...new people that actually looks after us..." I say but see it stop coming out and still not see Fro

"I know you miss Mother...but that is why we need each other while we are in this world right? So that we can go home?" I talk to nothing and then I sigh

"It's okay Fro...take all the time you need..." I say as I put on some shoes then prepare to walk outside

There should be some stores open this late from what I remember...

I walk over to the bus stops and take a picture with my scroll of the glowing city of Vale.

"Good evening, just to the city please..." When I got in I noticed I'm the only passenger and smile at the driver

"It's pretty late to be hanging out with some friends at the city don't you think?" The driver talks to me and I smile

"I believe so yes, but I'm actually just going to get some snacks and some coffee, I can also treat you some if you're willing to join me." I say and he smiles

"My, I wish the Youth of this age is as kind as you dear-" He stops talking once we felt something shake on the road

An earthquake?


"MISTER LOOK OUT!" I scream as I hold on to my seatbelt

Why is there a giant robot running in the streets!?

"CRAP HOLD ON!" I hear him say then I brace for what is to happen

As the bus is sent flipping over the road due to it being kicked by the Robot,

It took a minute that felt like hours to stop it from moving and I was upside down with my arm broken and glass shards on me.

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