Chapter V: The Return

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Miguel silently farms on his planet, softly planting seeds into the ground and patting it after.

"Uh-huh?" asked Miguel, answering the call. "What about Gollum? Yeah... Yeah... Yes... Yeah, that's him. A white cloak and a white witch's hat? Yeah. That's him. Tell him I said 'Hi'."

Suddenly, Miguel is crashed into another planet that blows up.

Aurora sneers, floating in the pocket dimension with him. "Huh... So... This is your little home base. A little smaller than I expected..."

"Get the FUCK OUTTA HERE, AURORA!!!" roared Miguel, teleporting back on the planet.

The portal is still open since the Kingpin plans to walk in. And that he did. With his white fedora and white coat with black polo underneath, the 6'7" monster looms over the much shorter Miguel Ibarra. 

"Hello... 'King' of Maharlica."

"Hello... You...?"

"Don't patronize me..." he said, gruffily.

"Pfft! Yeah, right! Like I'm afraid of you! 'Kingpin,' they say... How about King PAIN!!!" Miguel prepares a spell only for Kingpin to slam his fist into Miguel's chest, causing him to vomit blood and fall to the ground. "I was... UNPREP-!!!"

Kingpin grabs Miguel's face and beats it over and over again, revealing that his fists have Eternium brass knuckles. He crackles his knuckles and grabs Miguel's hair.

Miguel is forced to kneel before him. "You're a fucking narc and a sociop-!!!"

Kingpin blasts his fist into Miguel's face again. "I want you to be quiet. The syringe, Aurora."

Aurora nods and places the syringe in Kingpin's hand.

The syringe is filled with liquid Eternium.

"NOOOO!!!" Miguel takes out his arnis sticks and slams them into Kingpin's face.

Miguel attacks with a flurry of strikes. He activates chain mode and grapples onto Kingpin's face.

Kingpin, however, isn't even phased. He just grabs Miguel, throws him upward, and cuts his fist into Miguel's stomach as Miguel crashes and rolls on the ground, shaking in pain.

Miguel stands up, jumps up, and dropkicks Kingpin, only for Kingpin to grab his feet and slam him again.

Miguel drools blood once again. "What the ffffuck...? *cough... cough...*"

"Impressive... Truly impressive you are... Ibarra..." smiled Kingpin. "My... partner... will be pleased with the loss of your magic."

Miguel pushes Kingpin away only for Aurora to slam her fist into Miguel's face, causing him to fall to the ground. A pool of blood forms from his head. Miguel tries standing up but falls and topples down. "What the fuck do you people want...?" growled Miguel.

"We want you outta the way..." said Kingpin. 

Aurora punches Miguel over and over again as he growls in pain.

"Auroraaaaaa!!!" he growled only for Aurora to kick him down over and over.

Miguel slowly stands up and shows his palm to Aurora. "Nomine-..."

Kingpin beats him down once more.

Aurora grabs the syringe from Kingpin's hand and stabs it in Miguel's chest.

Aurora pushes the liquid into Miguel's heart.


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