Chapter XLVII: School with Deadpool: The Finale

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Deadpool, in a helicopter along with several members of the Suicide Squad and the X-Force, prepare to jump off the copter to battle against Dr. Crazy Psycho Bitch.

Peacemaker, Vigilante, The Lethal Protector, Green Arrow II, Trubel, Legion, Wild Thing, Cable, Captain Philippines, Magneto, X-Professor, Deadpool, and Harley all jump off the copter.


"EXCUSE YOU!?!?" asked Green Arrow II.

"Yeah..." said Deadpool.

Harley looks down. "Why'd we jump toward the ocean?" asked Harley.

Everyone begins screaming as Magneto sighs and creates an electromagnetic forcefield bubble for them to land in.

"Whoa, shit..." said Deadpool. "Glad I brought you here!"

Magneto sighs and moves the bubble forward. "Do act sublimely, Wilson. I'm getting tired of your foolish antics. Also bringing along Humans is quite a questionable choice."

Green Arrow II sighs. "Just saying, without me, you wouldn't be able to enter... The facility is made of a material known as Brojsh Obsidian. Hard as Vibranium, but made entirely of stone."

"So, how do we enter?"

"I know the code..."

Later, the group enters underwater, and Magneto camouflages them to the color of the ocean.

The group watches a massive underwater stone monument drilling down the ocean to Hollow Earth.

"Filthy Homo Sapien scum," said Magneto.

"No offense, Mia," smiled Harley. "Mistah Metalhead over here is preeeetty racist if ya ask me! Look at him! All angry and-..." Harley fixes her makeup using the reflection on Magneto's helmet. "Shiny... What is this thing made of?"


"Whaaaat? Why can't any telepath like... read yer mind an' all?"

"His helmet is shaped specifically to counteract the movement of my psychic energy into the temple of his head," said X-Professor, the android cyborg containing Charles' brain,

"Wait? So... you can't read his mind because it's shaped all funny?" asked Harley.

"Yep," said Magneto.

"Pretty much," said Charles.

The group enters the facility's doorstep, which Mia opens thru the code.

The waters in the hall drain as the group leaves the bubble.

The entire group walked into the facility.

It was silent. The metallic walls creaked because of the undeniable pressure of the entire ocean.

Vigilante looks up. "Y'all don't think this'd explode? I watched this episode of Ben 10 and learned that apparently, when you're under the ocean floor-..."

"Relax," said Magneto. "I can sense this place is far more stable than the Pentagon in DC."

"Ha! Great!" smiled Vigilante. "How'd you know that?"

"He shot JFK," said Harley.

"WHOA!!!" yelled Vigilante.

"That's fucked up," said Peacemaker. "I should kill you for that, but... eh..."

"I was trying to save him," said Magneto. "He was a Mutant. Telepath. First Mutant President of America."

"I'm a Mutate," said Peacemaker. "Super Soldier. So, are we cool?"

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