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In the heart of the bustling city, two souls, once deeply in love, were torn apart by a cruel twist of fate.

Jeon Eunbyeol, determined to mend her haunting past, yearned to clear misunderstandings and reconcile with her lost love, Kim Seokjin.

Seokjin, a man with a face that could rival gods, carried a burdened past he desperately wished to forget. His solace lay in his family, especially his two kids, but once, there was also Eunbyeol, who had vanished from his life without explanation.

Now, fate had laid its cruel game once more, returning them to each other's lives. Where would this twist lead them? Only time would tell as they embarked on a journey to rewrite their story.

Twisted Fate : A Medical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now