Ch1 Fortress

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This is a countryCats Story! Not countryhumans/polandball so keep that in mind and have a good day! :) keep in mind I am NOT a furry! I just can't draw humans so default to animals like cats instead.

!Includes animal death!

Germany stood outside the UN's fortress accompanied by a group of other countries. They had spent months travelling to get here. Soon they would no longer be confined too the dangerous territory's of the Outlands. But most importantly they would have food, shelter and safety. UN swooped down from the reinforced concrete wall, his angelic wings trailing behind.

"Before you can enter my Safe Haven, the Fortress, I will Have to make sure everyone here has good intention, that way everyone can stay safe behind my walls."

Germany dug his claws into the hard rocky earth and started to count the countries that UN passed. Giving each one an approving nod so they could enter through the large, dirt stained wooden doors.

Romania, Turkey, Sudan, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Botswana, Poland. Now it was his turn, Germany held his breath.

UN's gaze scoured him, was this taking longer than normal? Or perhaps shorter? UN had made up his mind.

"Your entry has been Denied"

Germany breath caught in his throat. "B-but why?" He managed to choke out.

"Your history Germany, I'm afraid you might try follow the path of your fathers." UN smirked then walked off to examine the others.

Everyone walked through the doors, leaving Germany behind.

Germany turned tail and began to walk away from the fortress, if he didn't hurry he would starve to death.

After a long walk Germany spotted a scrawny bird atop a piece of driftwood. He stalked it slowly in a crouch, until...

He pounced catching the bird mid-air in his mouth. Germany quickly gobbled it down so no one else would come steal his prey. He saved the bones and feathers, they could come in handy if he ever found a merchant, trader or deranged scavenger. Sadly those Countries weren't as rare as he hoped.

There was no shelter in the surrounding area, just flat until as a few bumps on the horizon.

Germany woke up to find a large paw pressing him down, he looked up.

"Russia?" He croaked under the pressure.

The other cats eyes widened "Germany! I thought you went to UN's fortress!"

"I-I did! But he denied me because of my fathers mistakes!"

Russia frowned sympathetically "See, thats why I told you I wouldn't come, No one would allow the son of the USSR into there Home."

"But what about bricks? I thought you headed east and tried to find them? This is pretty far west you know?"

"Yeah, but that broke apart when China and India started arguing over who has t5he biggest population, and South Africa's so little and innocent. Brazil is always setting stuff on fire, including himself. I couldn't deal with living with hot climate countries anyway."

Germany smiled "I guess where quite alike then... perhaps we should stick together?"

Outrunning the OutLands :CountryCats Original Story:Where stories live. Discover now