Ch 5 Traveling

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Pop pop pop!

Went the walnuts. We had found a walnut tree wilted but still lathered with fruit. And now we were cooking them over a fire (Russia insisted it was the only way to eat them). The sound echoed off the large cave walls.

"Urgggh! Why did I decide to use this stupid piece of bark!" Russia interrupted Germany thoughts.

"Because.. you said it would be better? Also don't worry there's a piece of slate that will do just fine." Germany replied calmly. "Also are we heading to NATO's fortress or not?"

Russia laughed "are you serious?! NATO may as well be called 'the group of countries that hate Russia and want him dead!', you can go but I won't go. They won't let me."

"There's another fortress though? ASEAN! Should we go there"

"Germany?! They only except other cats from there area. Why would they except some Northern European countries?"

"They let Ivory Coast in!" Germany sighed "but how about we play a game of would you rather? That could help settle things in a more... fun way!"

Russia smiled "alright, me first though!, would you I rather: UN's Fortress or NATO's fortress"

"NATO's! At least I'd be allowed in!"

"But I wouldn't be!"

"You wouldn't be allowed in in UN's either. Now my turn! Would you rather: go to a group of dtysfunctioning idiots together or somewhere safe alone?"

"Considering you wouldn't last a minute with these so called 'dtysfunctioning idiots' I'lll got with you and keep you safe. Now my turn!"

"Would you rather live with a bunch if sea dwelling ASEAN cats (and Ivory Coast) or with BRICS?"

Germany thought about it, "I don't know... this is pretty hard..."

Russia growled and threw the slate against the wall of the cave. "WHY IS EVERYTHING HERE SO HARD!"

"RUSSIA!" Germany yelped "are you okay?!"

"Y-yeah" Russia sobbed "I think its the heat of the fire. You know how the humidity makes me funny right?"

"Look, I'll cook the walnuts and you sleep."

"but your hurt! Even if New Zealand said your okay your still healing!"

"Nonsense, plus I think I can handle cooking dinner. Okay?" Germany assured him.

"Right... but we can't stay out here in the Outlands forever. It's dangerous and that paw is proof of that."

"There are places to go..."

"NO THERES NOT! Stop pretending, half the places we can go hate us the other ones are full of stupid seas dwellers and BRICS is shattered... there is NO WHERE to go GERMANY! NO WHERE!"

"CALM DOWN!" Germany shouted "even if the world is falling apart you can't just snap at me and give up! Also I think you've forgotten about a few places."

"Hmmm?" Russia asked.

"There's the Middle East caravan. A group of Middle Eastern countries living together travelling the outlands. Then there's the African countries living next to a stream. They call it the 20th century Nile. Funnel eh? But besides that. There's- theres European Union's fortress. I think he would happily let me in. And if anyone can convince him to let you in it me."

"I guess that settles it. Where heading up North to find EU's fortress..." Russia purred happily

Outrunning the OutLands :CountryCats Original Story:Where stories live. Discover now