Ch 9 a Sly Trade

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"We're going to reach the ASEAN fortress within a few days" Jordan told them, "You can take one of the camels we took with us".

"Why do you guys like camels again Mr. Jordan?" Kenya asked.

"Do I have a choice? They help me get around and keep me safe, and I feed them and keep them safe, it's like a trade you see, and the others in our caravan do the same." He reasoned before turning back to Rus and Ger. "The camel you're looking for has a lighter muzzle, you should be able to find him".

"Thank you, Jordan." Russia replied.

The camel was sleeping in the shade of a small boulder.

"It's so cute" Germany whispered to Russia, careful not to wake the sleeping creature.

"Yep, but we better wake it up, after-all we don't wanna be left behind" Russia said blatantly, not whispering at all.

Together the two country-cats woke up the camel and it calmly let them climb onto its back. It was a little squishy with all the bags on its back and two cats sitting on it together, but they would make do, after all it was the only camel the group could offer, and even if it was uncomfortable for those who had never ridden a camel before.

The ride to the ASEAN fortress only took 4 days off non-stop travel and few hours of sleep. But eventually the crew got there, the fortress rested between what seemed to be large rocks that petruded out of the dusty ground. Nestled between the two spikes was the fortress the ASEAN countries resided in. The walls went straight up, there was not a single crack, it was if someone had smoothed the clay so no-one could climb up it. There was a rocky path leading through the two rocks that led to a fortified gate.

Not like anyone would want to get in there... Russia thought with a huff.

"We'll this is where we leave you" Cyprus clicked "I hope you enjoyed the journey with us but now we must depart."

"I'm sorry..." Germany stuttered "Leave? Depart? What do you mean I thought we were staying with you."

"There must've been a miscommunication" Saudi Arabia hushed "the plan was we would leave you at ASEAN were you would be safer and have better chances of coming across a group of travellers heading towards UN or NATO's fortresses?"

Before Russia could tell Saudi Arabia that they had probably been banned from those places Germany spoke up "Thank you! We were expecting to be staying with you till you got to the New Nile... is it okay if we stay with you till then".

There was an Awkward silence among the Middle Eastern countries (and Kenya). "We um... promised to pick up some of the African countries that we left here last time... we need to take them back..." Jordan told them hurriedly.


The countries that were being picked up where Djibouti and Nigeria. And Russia and Germany took their place.

"Great" Rus grumbled as they sat watching the gates, Malaysia had just come to talk to them and was fetching her 'Boss' the ASEAN country cat "I hate this place, it's too hot and dry".

"It's always hot and dry" Germany pointed out "everywhere in the outlands is besides the New-Nile settlement!"

"I was talking about the countries that live here climates" Russia huffed defeated "and Djibouti and Nigeria didn't look like they came back from having a nice vacation here, they looked more like prisoners".

Instead of ASEAN another, familiar, country came out from the gate.

"Poland?" Germany gasped "but I though we left you at UN's? And what happened to your wings".

"I'm Indonesia" The cat said "NOT Poland, also don't call me Indo, that's reserved for the other ASEAN countries. Anyways follow me I'll give you some info of what going on around here and what you'll be doing."

Russia and Germany followed Indonesia hesitantly through the gate and into the Fortress. It was just as bland on the inside as it was on the outside, however it was surprisingly bigger than expected.

"Your job's will be to do our bidding" Indonesia went on as they walked through the halls "don't go where you aren't supposed to, talk as little as possible, you'll be given food when your given food. And address ASEAN as 'king'"

"Okay" Rus and Ger said the same time with a stammer, what on earth? They had had just been sold as slaves to these guys!

As they walked, they came to a courtyard, there was a thin, but tall, tower made of the same materials as the rest of the building, chained to the top was Ivory Coast.

"Be Careful!" Ivory yelled at them"these countries have gone mad by the lack of water in the Outlands, especially the King!"

As the imprisoned cats voice faded away, they entered another room and walked up a set of stairs to small, sunlit, throne room.

"So, the Caravan kept their promise and delivered a new batch of slaves?" The cat laying on the throne asked slyly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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