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Eda is out and can't take care of Luz while she's regressed. Luckily Raine is available and takes care of her.

Note: this story isn't really a CG Eda one but i did it as an exception.

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Eda was out in the market, shopping while waiting for her elixirs to come in. Morton told her that her order would be finished in an hour so she decided to do some shopping. However, she felt her scroll vibrate and saw that Luz was calling her.

"Hey, kid, what's up?" She answered, putting the scroll up to her ear.

"Mama? I- I slipped and I can't goes big!" Luz panicked over the phone. She was home alone except for king, who was younger than her. He tried to help when he saw her slipping but he still couldn't do much.

"Oh farts..." Eda sat in silence for a second while thinking of what to do. Suddenly, she got an idea.

"Kid? I'm going to send someone over to look after you, Kay? They're a good friend of mine and they're really nice. Have Hooty get anything you need for now until they come. I love you, byee," She ended the call before scrolling through her contacts and clicked on Raine's.

"Hi, Eda, what can I do for you?" They answered.

"Hey Raine. I need you to do me a favor. I'm at the market, waiting for my elixirs, but Luz is regressed at home. Can you go over to the house and look after her while I'm gone?" Eda pleaded over the scroll. She really hoped Luz was doing okay.

"That's it? I can do that. What age does she usually go to?" They asked.

"3 to 4 is usually it. But she does suck on her thumb a lot," She replied. Eda was going to get Luz a pacifier but didn't have the time.

"Alright, I can do that," Raine reassured her.

"Thank you so much, Rainstorm, you're a lifesaver," Eda said.

"It's not a problem. See you later," Raine hung up their scroll.

After that conversation, Eda felt a lot better. She knew she could trust Raine with this stuff.

Back at the owl house, Luz sat on the floor in paint stained overalls, waiting for her babysitter. She was a little nervous since she hadn't regressed in front of anyone except her mom, Eda, and Amity as her playmate. So she was pretty on edge. King had tried to comfort her and take care of her a little bit by offering a bunch of his stuffies. However, Luz already had one and it was her favorite. It was a personalized teddy bear, given to her by her dad before he passed. They went to a stuffed animal shop and she and he got matching ones.

As Luz was cuddling her teddy on the floor and talking a bit with King, she heard knocking on the door. King told Hooty to let them in. They stepped in through the door and saw little Luz on the ground. She tried to hide behind her teddy because she was scared.

"Hey, sweetie, I'm Raine, Eda's old friend, " They kneeled down to her and introduced themself.

Luz slowly relaxed as she saw their smiling and genuine face. She unhid behind the bear to show that she was okay.

"Is that your stuffy? What's their name?" Raine asked.

"Dis Potato," She showed the stuffed bear to them. She had named him that since his fur looked like mashed potatoes.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Potato!" Raine smiled and shook the stuffed animal's hand, which made Luz giggle.

"Oh! I got you a little something," Raine pulled out a plain, lavender pacifier with an Azura paci clip. Luz gasped and squealed. Her hands flapped up and down and her grin grew. Raine clipped it onto her shirt and handed her the binky. She put it in her mouth and rocked back and forth.

"F- f- f'ankies!!" Luz tried to thank them. That day, she found out how hard it was to talk with a pacifier (a struggle I deal with every time I regress).

Raine awed at her cuteness. They always liked kids (don't be weird or dirty minded on this) and loved to take care of them.

"What do you want to do, Little one?" They asked her. She made a thinking face before a lightbulb went off in her head.

"I w- an' build fowt!" She lisped, bouncing up and down, excitedly.

"Oky dokie!" They lifted her up onto her feet and she happily squealed. She began running around collecting pillows and blankets. Raine helped her reach the ones on high shelves and helped look for them. King got all of his stuffed toys and pretended like they were helping build it. Luz and Raine played along, mostly because it was fun for Luz. They stacked a bunch of pillows up and spread blankets over them. They also used a couple chairs and tables to provide better support. Luz was having a really fun time with them. They even taught her how to make angel milk! She was really intrigued and enjoyed it. Raine made popcorn and sliced fruit to take into the fort. Inside, Luz had her sippy cup with the angel milk and her stuffy, Potato. She cuddled up with Potato and drank her (non-dairy) milk while Raine got ready to read her a story. King wanted story time too and joined in with them.

It wasn't long before Luz and king fell asleep. The warm milk must've made Luz sleepy because she was passed out cold. King just chose to be tired at times.

Eda soon returned and Raine exited the fort so they could greet her at the door.

"How was it?" she asked when she got to the door.

"It was great, but Luz and King are having nap time right now." Raine explained. Eda went inside the house and saw the fort, but most importantly, she saw her babies sleeping soundly inside of it. She cooed and awed at them.

"Man, you did great. It takes me a while to get Luz to take a nap. She can get pretty cranky," Eda chuckled to herself. The two of them walked into the kitchen so they wouldn't wake up the children.

"Thank you for doing this, Raine." She thanked them. They smiled

"Its not a problem, Eda. Luz was such a sweetie," They answered her.

"Welp, i think i can take it from here. Thanks again, see you later, " Eda put her bags from the market onto the kitchen table.

"See you, Eda," Raine said their goodbyes and exited through the back door.

It was safe to say that Luz was definitely going to have Raine babysit again. She loved them. They were kind and fun. As Luz snoozed, she dreamt about her fun time with one of her new caregivers.

Little Luz with CG Eda/Camila (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now