Opening Up

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Summary: Luz is having a tough day but doesn't want to talk about it to her mom. Camila, being the protective mother she is, tries to help her daughter open up by easing her into regressing.

Mentions of the R-slur and Bullies not understanding Sfw Agere. please do not read if you are regressed.

As soon as Luz walked into the Noceda household, Camila could tell something was up. The girl didn't do her happy greeting like she usually did on days they went to the demon realm. Usually, Luz was very happy on these days because she could help rebuild the isles, but now she seemed mentally exhausted. She sighed as she took off her backpack and let it fall to the floor before making her way to the kitchen.

"How was your day, mija?" Camila asked while she finished up the dishes.

"Fine..." Luz mumbled as she sat down before taking out her phone.

"Did... something happen?" She prompted, trying to get her daughter to talk.

"I don't want to talk about it..." sniffled Luz. She didn't want her mom knowing about the humiliation she had to bare through at school. She would probably laugh at her as well.

Camila frowned. It would be hard to help her if she didn't know what was going on. She really wanted for Luz to open up to her but thats just not how she worked a lot of the time. A couple of moments later and she finally got an idea.

"How about we cancel going over to the demon realm, just for today?" She proposed.

"I guess," Luz said, with her saddened expression still on her face.

This is good. Luz agreed to staying home so step one was done. She just had to convince her that maybe she should regress. Usually, since Luz was a lot more open and vulnerable when small, it was easy for her to share her problems and let Camila comfort her.

"What flavor juice do you want? Or maybe some chocolate milk?" Camila asked. They had dairy-free chocolate milk, of course.

"Uhhh, I'll have the milk, please" Luz said.

A cup was placed in front of her and she looked up and saw her purple sippy cup with the milk inside.

"Mom, I'm... not regressed," Luz told her.

"I know, I just thought it would help you slip," Camila said, pulling out some of the baby plates to clean.

Luz stumbled over her words for a second before gathering herself.

"I don't need to regress! It'll make me more weak than i already am..." she whispered the last part.

"But it might be good for you. My schedule at the clinic is free all afternoon and you haven't been little in a month." Camila looked at her daughter with a soft expression that she usually only wore when Luz was small. Little Luz called it her "Mami face".

"B-bu-B" Luz was trying to get her words out but felt herself slip within the process. She really did want to regress but was scared due to earlier events at school. However, thinking about the events earlier that day made her slip even more. Her lip quivered and her eyes began to water. It wasn't long before she started bawling her eyes into her Mami's chest.

"Bebe, its okay, let it out, Mami's here," Camila rubbed her back softly and kissed her head.

After awhile, Luz calmed down enough to explain what happened.

"A K-kid at s'hool found my Ao-free and saw my fics an' made fun of me and called me names... D'ey don't unders'and!" Luz tried to explain through her babbles. Earlier that day, one of the popular kids got word that Luz had a fanfiction account. After finding it, they saw how she had a lot of age regression fics. They were hysterical and called Luz horrible names and mocked her. They told how gross she was. They called her a "diaper baby", "retarded", "crybaby", "freak", and a "disgusting pervert" (kids in middle/high school think almost everything different is sexual). And they mocked her and acted as if she was going to start throwing a tantrum. The ones that called her gross were the worst ones. They didn't understand the coping mechanism and immediately jumped to conclusions. She could deal with the kids making fake crying noises at her to mock her, but the other ones... she actually felt like dying.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie. You don't deserve any of that," Camila hugged her tighter. She understood how important her agere fics were to her. She actually had a pretty big following and Camila was very proud of her.

"But what if they right an' i'm a pafetic, gross, freak.." Luz cried.

"Luz, Bebe, Listen, you are not gross, you're not a freak for regressing or writing about it, and you certainly aren't pathetic. You saved the whole boiling isles, for titan's sake!" Camila exclaimed. That made Luz feel a little better.

"Thank you, Mami," Luz sniffled.

"Do you wanna go change into something comfy?" Camila suggested, now knowing her daughter was small.

"Yes, p'ease, help me?" Luz asked.

"Of course, c'mon," Camila picked Luz up (even though she struggled a bit) and tried carrying her to her room. After changing her into some padding and a playsuit/Jammies (similar to the ones rearz has) she led the girl into the master bedroom and put on the television for Luz to watch some cartoons while she went to grab the forgotten chocolate milk.

Luckily Luz was in the same place when she returned. Luz immediately crawled in Camilia's lap. Camila helped feed Luz the sippy cup as if it were a bottle.

As Luz spent the rest of the day regressed, Camila couldn't help be feel accomplished. She got Luz to open up and cope healthily. Even though it didn't seem like much, it felt like a humongous accomplishment at the time.

In the end, while Luz was taking a nap, Camila called the school and made sure all those kids who started the whole bullying thing got suspended for what they did.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 16 ⏰

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Little Luz with CG Eda/Camila (Requests Open)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang