Little accidents

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Requested by SodaBubbles on AO3.

This does involve the mention and use of diapers, if you do not feel comfortable, even though its sfw, that is completely understandable, but you might want to click off. have a good day, though!

Luz had woken up feeling little. She rubbed her eyes as she slowly crawled out of bed. Grabbing her stuffed teddy, she went into Eda's room where the owl lady was just waking up as well. She was in a half awake state and still in her nest.

"Mama?" She lisped, crawling into her caregivers nest.

"Hey, Luz, feeling small today?" Eda tiredly looked over at the small girl, who was currently trying to get cuddles.

"Mhm," Luz mumbled. Eda sat up and put Luz in her lap.

"You wanna stay here for a bit? Or do you want me to help you get changed?" she asked.

"I wan' stay for a foo mowe minutes," Luz snuggled into Eda's lap. The old owl lady pet the girls hair and gave her little forehead kisses. She knew Luz would get a burst of energy soon. She always did after a couple moments from waking up.

And soon enough, Eda was right. Luz was ready to wake up and start her day. So Eda helped her get changed into a diaper, shorts, and an Azura t-shirt. Luz always wore diapers when she felt small. However, she didn't exactly need them. They were just really comfy for her and made her feel safe. It was like she was wearing a pillow when she wore them.

Eda carried her downstairs when she was done to make breakfast. She placed Luz in a Luz-sized highchair, gave her a little stim toy to play with, and began to make breakfast. King came downstairs when he heard Eda making breakfast. He sat down and started to color while waiting as well. The old witch was done after a couple minutes and served them oatmeal. She fed Luz, as King ate with his hands like the little gremlin he is.

When they were done, Eda, King, and Luz made their way to the living room to decide what adventures awaited them today.

"Alright kiddo, what do you want to do?" Eda asked softly and soothingly.

"Hmm, can we's pway?" She told her carer.

"Of course! What should we play?"

"Hide 'n seek!" Luz cheered right away. She hadn't played that in a long time and wanted to play it.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" King commented.

"Let's play that then. Oh but before we do, Luz, do you need to use the bathroom? You haven't used it yet today," Eda said.

"Nope! I fine," Luz lied. Truth was, she did need to go. But she wanted to play hide and seek more!

"Okay, sweetie. Want me to start counting?" Luz nodded.

As Eda began counting, Luz and King scrambled, trying to find the perfect hiding spot. King went upstairs while Luz decided to hide downstairs. Since Eda was counting in the hall, Luz had to be super quiet. She snuck past her and into the living room. After scanning it, she crouched behind the couch, as it seemed like a good hiding place. She giggled as she thought about how she would deceive Eda.

However, as she waited behind the couch, the pressure in her bladder grew. She felt small twinges that made her nervous. She didn't want to stop the game because she needed to go! She could probably hold it until it ended. But the crouching position made it hard, not to mention the childish mindset she was in.

That was before she felt warmth in her lower half. She gasped out of shock and embarrassment. Tears started to form in her glossy eyes. This was the first time she's ever had an accident! She was scared beyond anything. Usually she could hold it for longer but her body apparently was also feeling small. She began crying as it grew uncomfortable. She sat down on her padded bum and let the tears pour out.

Eda was searching upstairs when she heard the sound of Luz crying. She booked it to where the sound was coming from. The noise seemed to be coming from the living room so she rushed in. She looked behind the couch and saw Luz bawling her eyes out.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Eda pushed the couch farther away from the wall so she could kneeled in front of her.

"I didn't *hic* mean to!" Luz cried.

"What didn't you mean to do, sweetie?" Eda asked calmly.

"I *hic* had ass-ident," she continued to sob. She was too overwhelmed and couldn't stop crying.

"Baby, it's okay, we all have them," Eda tried comforting the girl. She didn't know that Luz had accidents but was glad she bought diapers instead of loose pullups. Luz had also explained that they were more comfortable.

"Bu' is weird!" Luz said.

"It's not weird, sweet flea. The diaper is meant to be used. And after all, baby's have them all the time," Eda explained in her soft voice.

Luz shortly began to calm down after Eda hugged her a bit and rubbed her back.

"How about we get you changed?" Eda told Luz. the girl nodded, as the used diaper felt uncomfortable.

Eda had already found king and told him to grab one of Luz's diapers and baby powder from under the bathroom sink while she found baby wipes, and an old sweater they could use as a changing mat. When King returned with the stuff, Eda began to change her. Luz felt a little uncomfy during it but Eda reminded her that it was a normal thing that babies went through.

When they were done, Luz felt better. Her fresh nappy felt nice and comfy. She was picked up by Eda, who carried her over to the kitchen. Luz was a little confused, as they just had breakfast 30 minutes ago. The owl lady unlocked a secret compartment and pulled out a bag of halloween candy. She took out three pieces of Luz's favorite before putting it back.

"You were such a brave girl today, Little one. Here you go," She handed Luz the treats and her face immediately light up.

"T'ank you so much, mama!" She hugged her caregiver.

"You're welcome, Luz." Eda smiled and ruffled her hair.

At the end of the day, Eda made sure that they had enough padding for at least a couple weeks. Luz had later explained what had happened, and told her that she didn't really have control in that headspace. Eda was very supportive and made sure that Luz wasn't feeling too overwhelmed or scared. She didn't know what it was like but wanted to try her best to be the best and most supportive caregiver to her.

Little Luz with CG Eda/Camila (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now