Prologue ● Tale Teller

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〰〰 Tale Teller  〰〰

Hello Students of the University of West Hampton,

You may be wondering who I am. For now, let's just say I am your friendly, bored neighborhood tale teller. We will have plenty of time for introductions later. I see and hear everything and it's time I share my knowledge with the people. After all, we are here for education aren't we?

The new school year has kicked off with a bang and I for one am very excited to report on all the new developments of the student body. As they say, sharing is caring. Scandals, drama, and sensationalism come in the air of West Hampton and the two weeks of orientation and welcome back parties have reminded us all of this. But more time I will waste not, and so here are some updates to sink your teeth into dear reader.

The Zeta Phi Upsilon sorority house threw their annual school year kick off party. There is always an abundance of overly drunk freshman and and confused stoners. But a few pieces of news emerged and there is much to be shared and enjoyed. Don't be shy in lending your friends and roommates a copy.

The captain of the Alpha Pi Sigma was seen with a new haircut, but partygoers were quick to notice a new level of fullness. Someone seemed to have spent the summer yielding a new crop. Maybe a trip to Turkiye was part of his summer plans? A couple visit to the library may have done him more good.

More interesting to me was a blossoming romance in the basement. To the tunes of 2000s R&B came a meet-cute between a star basketball player and a mystery, masked femme fatale. However, the bloom of their love seemed to die out before the end of a song, and our resident point-guard was left alone and rejected. Maybe his smooth moves are reserved for the on the court only?

Before I go though, I would be remiss to not mention the news spreading through campus like wildfire. Elena Rodriguez was last seen storming out of the sorority house before midnight and has since been declared missing. Maybe she wasn't a fan of the food? Or perhaps it was an argument with the vice-president of the only fraternity on campus that drove her to disappear. Perhaps it was his indiscretions that forced her to run. After all, he isn't known for his tenderness towards the gentler sex. For now we hope for her safety.

With a new year comes new classes, new challenges, and new secrets. And I'll be here to report on them all. Good luck West Hampton Foxes!

〰〰 Tale Teller 〰〰

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