Hates Me, Hi friend

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"So you have a boyfriend?" Y/n asked as she sat down next to Jenna who was reading a book and drinking a margarita, she didn't say anything  "What's his name?" The girl asked curious as to who her competition was if there was any, she was hoping she would say no "Why so many questions?" Jenna asked closing her book finally facing her, Y/n shrugged "Just curious to who you are i guess " Jenna felt flattered that this fine young...woman? but at the same time she felt attacked, she didn't know why
"How old are you?" Jenna asked eyeing her up and down "I just turned 18, been 18 for like 4 months" Y/n said proudly, Jenna did the math quickly in her head four years older? or three? she her self had just turned 21, there wasn't much of an age gap "Now! what's his name?" She said in a demanding tone eager to find out if she was single 

Jenna looked down a bit thanking she had her shades on, what to say...? 
 "I don't have a boyfriend stop with the questions" Jenna suddenly felt uncomfortable, she shut her book and picked up her stuff leaving the young girl confused and ashamed . 

Hours had passed, Y/n noticed her bike wasn't there, Jenna was still out...since Y/n had questioned her she hasn't been seen, Y/n was laying down under a tree as she  had her notepad right next to her as she scribbled down 

since Y/n had questioned her she hasn't been seen, Y/n was laying down under a tree as she  had her notepad right next to her as she scribbled down 

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Was i too demanding? 
She hates ME
Doesn't like ME
Im stupid
She dislikes ME...

She shut it quickly as she shut her eyes tight, why did she ask?

Y/n l'O'Connell è arrivato oggi"(Y/n the O'Connell arrived today) Emilia greeted with a warm smile, noticing her daughter's slightly downcast demeanor. Y/n's heart swelled with happiness at her mother's reception. Without hesitation, she grabbed a spare bike and set off for her friend's house. She pedaled vigorously, oblivious to the fact that she had just passed Jenna on her way home.

Jenna, on the other hand, did spot Y/n, her face furrowing in confusion. She couldn't help but wonder where Y/n was off to with that radiant smile and such haste. Reflecting on their earlier interaction, Jenna had confided in Emma about it, admitting that she might have been a tad too harsh on the younger girl. It had become evident to her that someone might have a little crush and just wanted to know if she stood a chance. 

Jenna looked down at the bike, a pang of guilt washing over her. She had been nothing but kind to her, even allowing her to borrow her bike. Pulling out her phone, Jenna saw that Percy was FaceTiming her. She let out an annoyed huff and stowed her phone back in her bag.

"BILLIEEEE!" Y/n shouted with uncontainable joy as she dismounted the bike, her smile lighting up the surroundings. "SCOTTI!" Billie echoed, bursting out of the door, and they embraced each other tightly in a warm hug. "I MISSED YOU, BITCH," Eilish confessed with her eyes closed. She had missed her friend so deeply that text messages and phone calls simply didn't suffice. Besides, Scotti wasn't much of a phone person, often forgetting she had one unless it was for the sake of music. In truth, she wouldn't even care if she didn't have a phone at all.

The O'Connells had a summer house there, each summer both girls would hang out with each other, eager to gossip and spend time together 
Billie and Scotti had gone for a walk catching up with each other of course  "Your gonna help me write some songs right? " Billie asked, knowing her friend was good with words, Billie was currently...famous, people started to recognize her not so long ago "I don't know..i'll think about it " Billie rolled her eyes "You can't say no to me sooo it's a yes anyways i gotta go clean and unpack, hang tomorrow?" Y/n nodded smiling "For sure"  

Y/n got back with a huge smile, Jenna in the living room drinking a glass of wine..Y/n noticed the bottle was almost empty, she didn't know if she should talk to her...she felt embarrassed, Jenna noticed the girl was spaced out "Scotti!" she slurred out as a hiccup came out and a giggle, Y/n looked at her biting her lip, the older girl tried to stand up but failed miserably falling on the ground "Fuck!" she said, Y/n quickly made her way to her kneeling next to her "Are you okay?" she asked, Jenna noticed her face was really close to hers making her heart skip a beat "M'fineee where'd you go?" Jenna asked as she clung to the older girl who was trying to help her up "A friend" She simply said, still to ashamed, having this idea that Jenna disliked her, when in reality we know

That's not true 

"C'mon i'll take you to the room" Y/n said placing Jenna's arm under her shoulder  You mean our room" she hiccuped and burped, Y/n scrunched her nose smelling the wine a giggle soon left her lips "Your an alcoholic " "It's okayyy i'm not you worry too much your so nice why are you so nice to me?" Jenna rambled, she laid her head on Y/n's shoulder who groaned a bit as it made it a bit harder to get her up the stairs "You think i'm nice..? you don't hate me?" She asked "I could neverr hate you scotti you too nice love" Y/n's cheeks heated up quickly as she cleared her throat as they stood in front of the door "Your being to nice Jenna" Y/n opened the door carefully not letting go of the freckled girl "I like the accent you have you when you speak" Y/n laughed a bit shaking her head, she did know she had an accent but she sometimes forgot about it "Thank you for reminding me" Jenna plotted her self down on the bed  "It's cute" Jenna's phone went off, the familiar ringtone going off "Can you answer please?" She said as she placed the pillow on her face, Y/n grabbed the phone

Em's Facetime 

"Jenna!"  Emma said happily a blush quickly made it's way to her face as she saw a cute girl on the other end, Y/n smiled a bit awkward waving "Hello, Jenna is.." She paused looking at the girl al ready passed out, flipping the camera "Unavailable right now she was just awake like two seconds ago that was quick"  Emma has dumbfounded hearing the girl speak, she flipped it back facing Emma "Oh i..thanks...?" "Oh Y/n but i'll tell her to call you tomorrow...?" Emma smiled feeling happy she wanted to know her name "Emma" Y/n smiled slightly "Okay Emma goodbye nice meeting you!" Before Emma could answer Y/n quickly ended the call feeling relieved, meeting people was hard

Mean while on the other end Emma bit her lip

So that's Scotti.. 

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