Bold, With you

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Jenna's eyes fluttered open as her phone vibrated next to her, she grabbed it seeing that her boyfriend was calling, she stared at it, she has been avoiding him a lot, she couldn't do it this time, before answering she looked at the bathroom door, it was open letting her know Y/n was al ready out of the room, she answered once she was sure Scotti wasn't there 

"Hi babe! you answered!" 

"Hey, yeah sorry i took so long i was sleeping"

"Aww sorry i woke you up i just missed you so much"

Jenna stood up walking to window opening the blinds 

"It's okay it's a good time to wake up"

She looked outside the window seeing Y/n who was currently jogging outside 

" It's 1 am here! i waited a bit to call you" 

Y/n grabbed dumbbells that were on the grass as she started to do curls, all Jenna could do was stare, seeing her in her black sports top, her lose shorts 

"Thanks i think you should sleep tho it's pretty late" Jenna wanted to cut this short, with the sight she was seeing, she wanted to go there personally to see her 

"I am tired, you'll text me good morning? " Percy asked 

"Yeah babe of course" 

"Okay goodnight! have fun i love you!" he said happily finally being able to speak with Jenna

"Love you too sleep well! and thanks!" 

He hung up after that with a smile on his face, meanwhile Jenna huffed throwing her phone on the bed, doing her morning routine quickly so she could see the girl workout 

Jenna sprinted downstairs going to where Y/n was working out, sadly she wasn't there anymore, she frowned looking around, but the girl wasn't in sight, she sadly made her way to the breakfast table looking around still "You seem lost" Y/n said behind her, making her jump "SHIT you scared me" Scotti with a huge grin said sorry as she yawned "Where were you?" Jenna asked as they walked to the breakfast table "Doing my morning workouts" Y/n said casually 

"I tuoi genitori sono usciti, quindi vi ho preparato la colazione" (Your parents went out so i just made you two breakfast) Mafalda said as she placed the food on the table "Grazie per avermelo fatto sapere Mafalda" (Thank you for letting me know Mafalda) Mafalda smiled as she went back inside "What did she say?" Jenna said as she prepared her coffee "My parents aren't here today so it's just us " Scotti said taking a sip from her expresso, Jenna smiled unconsciously bitting her lip, this didn't go unnoticed by Y/n "So what are we doing today?" "Hmmm are you seeing your friend today?" Jenna asked, she was a jealous person, but she wasn't that type of jealous, she could tell Y/n loved and cared so much for Billie, and even tho she felt jealous, it made her happy seeing the girl get a long so well with her "She hasn't texted me today so i guess not? i guess it really is just you and me today of course if you don't have anything already planned out" Y/n rambled a bit taking a bite of her pancake making Jenna giggle "You're so cute" Y/n's heart pounded making her blush even more "But no today i don't have anything planned so it is just  you and me " Y/n smiled nodding...should she...? "So...would you say..." She cleared her throat quickly "Would you say a date...?" She was feeling confident after being called cute, bold, Jenna's eyes widen looking up at her, now it was her turn to blush, without hesitation she nodded "A date it is" 

You are such a soft and bold thing,  she thought 

Y/n and Jenna rode their bikes smiling and giggling "Do you want to go for a swim? I know a place!" Y/n said as she looked at the older girl who had a huge smile on her face "Lead the way Scotti" and so she did, they raced each other, the last one to get there would have to jump in with their socks, and wet socks are a big no no, the worst feeling ever , Y/n was the first one to get there quickly taking her shoes and socks off "AJA I WON" Jenna giggled looking around "I let you win"She noticed this is where she saw her with Billie the other day, she didn't envy her anymore, Billie should "Now you gotta go in the water with your socks " Y/n said as she quickly jumped in, Jenna smirked as Y/n's head came back to the surface, She showed Y/n her feet "Not wearing socks so JA JA JA"  She jumped in as well loving the feeling of cold water, the shock, the moment everything "That's not fair at all" Y/n said pouting,  it was the cutest thing Jenna had ever seen "You should've made sure i was wearing socks!" 

They swam for a while, they floated on their backs together 

"Jenna?" Y/n said "Yeah?" 

Y/n swam to her, Jenna still floating on her back with her eyes shut 

"I really enjoy being with you" 

Her heart stopped, she stood up facing Y/n, she thought about it, Scotti felt nervous after confessing that, it felt like forever to get an answer, Jenna pulled her in for a hug wrapping her arms around her neck pulling her closer, Y/n froze not expecting that, gently placing her hands on her waist 

"I enjoy being with you too, Scotti" 

They placed their foreheads together staring in to each others eyes, it looked like they were slow dancing 

"You have pretty brown eyes and such cute freckles" Y/n said as if she was hypnotized, admiring the older girl 

"You have pretty brown eyes as well and such a cute nose" Jenna said, feeling the need to peck her nose but fought it 

"I'll make you dinner, with a glass of whine yeah?" Scotti said bitting  her lip "I would love that" Jenna smiled resting her head on her shoulder closing her eyes enjoying the feeling and moment. 

They got out of the water, Y/n wanting to remember this forever, she picked up her phone opening the front camera "Smile!" She said with a huge grin, Jenna looked up smiling as well shutting her eyes "Send that to me yeah? i'd love to print it out"

They walked back, deciding not to ride the backs but simply walk, they were having a lovely conversation, The moon was already out 

Worlds change when eyes meet

- Jenna thought 

Storm in her eyes, peace in her smile

 - Scotti thought 

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