My darling, You are calling

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"Jenna what was that question?? Affair? "
 Natalie asked as they made their way back to the hotel, in disbelief and confused, Edward nodded frowning as well "Like i know your grown and you can make your own decisions but we would like to know who your dating" He said seriously as he sat down on the bed, next to Jenna who could only stare down at the floor, both parents could tell this was something she was holding in 

"It wasn't an affair..." She said barely above a whisper, Natalie nodded sitting down next to her daughter who looked devastated, softly rubbing her back "Sweetie it's okay..we won't judge you or anythin we just want know what's going on with you, we worry, your barely ever home now and we understand it's your job, but as your parents it's our job to always look after you no matter what" She said, Jenna finally let out a sob, as she cried in her hands

"She wasn't an affair, i broke up with Percy before anything happened, she's eighteen and i broke her heart, she's so amazing, you guys have no idea how amazing she is, i...i stole her note pad with poems and their all about me! she seems me as art and i just...i just left her...When Percy went to-"

"He went all the way there?"

"Yeah...and i didn't want to see him, so Y/n fought him...and i was to ashamed to see her...i just left with Emma..." 

Natalie and Edward, stood silent hearing what she had to say  

"And i love her...i really's not just a summer fling, she isn't cool for the summer! i told Emma she was cool for the summer, but she turned in to so much more, i want her in my everyday life and God i messed up so bad" 

"Oh baby...we all make mistakes, your young and young people sometimes do dumb stuff" Edward said pulling her in to his chest, looking at Natalie, giving her the face to continue, who just rolled her eyes at him "Have you spoken to her?" Jenna shook her head. 

They spoke for a while, getting her to calm down, they went to their hotel room, shortly after she had fallen asleep, but she wasn't asleep, she showered, she put on Y/n's shirt, the last one she had, the last one Y/n had used, she had stolen three shirts, she made her way to her bag pulling out the note pad

My heart is so full of you 
I can barely call it
My own. 

I like your big brown eyes 
Especially when they sparkle 
And the way they light up when you chuckle 
You don't know i like that about you
Oh but i do, Jenna. 

Those eyes of yours
Could swallow stars, 
Galaxies and universes.
What hope did i ever have? 

It's You because No One Else Makes Sense

Tesoro mio, tu sei la mia poesia

She frowned as she saw this one was in Italian, she quickly pulled out her phone going to google translate, typing word by word 

"My darling you are my poetry " She read out loud as more tears fell down, She traced Y/n's hand writing, letter by letter 

"Would you take me back if i went back?"  She said as she let out a silent cry 

"I have to fix this" She said looking down, she had to do something, she just couldn't let Y/n slip away from her like that, it had been two weeks since it happened, Y/n had texted her, But she was to ashamed to answer, only leaving her on read. 

Y/n looked at her self in the mirror frowning, she looked so...shitty, She was at home in italy, Billie had left since she had to go back on tour, offering to bring her a long, Y/n declined the offer, but she did apply for her Visa, in case she wanted to go, it was four a.m, she checked the time on her phone, calculating if Jenna was still awake 

"Anche tu pensi a me? Mi chiedo cosa stai facendo... mi risponderesti se ti chiamassi?" (Do you think of me too? I wonder what your doing...would you answer me if i called you?) She said to her self, chuckling right away "Oh, che sciocco che sono, mi hai anche mandato in ghosting..." (Oh what i fool i am, you even ghosted me...) "Ma il mio cuore ti chiama... Devo provare?" (But my heart is calling you...should i try?) She looked at her phone, al ready on Jenna's contact info 

Jenna and Y/n, stared at their phone, deciding if they should tap call

"Do you hate me?" Jenna said above a whisper staring at the contact

"E se mi ignori di nuovo?" (What if you ignore me again?) Y/n said 

"Fuck it, i miss you" Y/n hit call. 

Jenna jumped as her phone went of

Scotti is calling you... 

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