Meet me at the restaurant

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The sun was hot on the bare skin off my shoulders
I wore a cream off shoulder sweater with some black pants to look presentable for the interview.
I was pretty sure that Taylor wasn't even gonna show up and just send some random guy to answer half of the questions with:,,we don't wanna answer this one"
I knew it was a big job and no matter if I meet her or not, the press will still write that they got a special interview with her in person.
There was only 1 recorded interview of her when she was about 16 playing in a country club. To be honest she was pretty and perfect but she kind of seemed a bit arrogant living in her own world where only rich men and champagne existed.
I was jealous ofc, I mean who doesn't wanna live like that? But I still had to be professional about it
The restaurant were I was supposed to meet her was far away from everything and I've never even heard of it.
It looked like a castle and honestly I couldn't recognize any signs of it beeing a restaurant
It rather looked like an extreme expensive house.
I think I just got the wrong address or something
,,Mam come with me." A security guard pulled me by my arm leading me into a kind of security check in front of the big door
They searched my bags and unpacked all kinds of things that could be dangerous like my perfume or my lighter
I understood why they were doing it but my brain was still confused where I was and where the fucking restaurant is?
,,that way." He pointed his arm towards the door. It was beeing opened by 2 other security guards leading me in the giant hall of the mansion.
Omg...I was surprised seeing many paintings of cats on the wall. The mansion looked extremely cozy
I walked into a little room by the side, when a tall redhead women came in sitting down in front of me.
,,Hallo I am Tree."
That must be the woman who will answer maybe some of the questions.
I decided to just stay calm and focused, I mean I am getting money for doing this.
,,hey Tree."
,,so I will answer your questions about Miss swift"
Oh great what a surprise
I tried not to let her see my annoyed face but that was hard considering she was staring at me
,,Can we start?"
,,Yes so let's start with the basics. Does she work on new songs"
,,No she's searching for a motivation for them."
Okkk it's starting good
,,Does she plan on performing live?"
,,no further informations"
Ohh there it is
I decided to go for the hot questions cause honestly that would make the most money and I don't wanna sit in this weird room any longer.
,,does she have a boyfriend"
,,currently not"
Well that's some information to work with
,,Is she straight?"
I asked this bc there were rumours about her being with a woman
,,no information. Last question pls I have a full timetable"
I thought about what I could ask...
,,Why doesn't she go into public?"
,,She prefers to stay anonymous. Ok now time is over you can leave miss May."
Her tone was harsh and cold but I mean if I had that job and Taylor Swift as a boss, I would be the same.
I tried to find my way out. The problem is I didn't really remember the way back and the hall had many doors
I just walked to a tiny one cause I kind of remember I came from there
Where are all the security guards when you need them?
I opened the tiny door which led to a big room
It had a couch, Tv and was pretty cozy
Ok that was definitely the wrong way. As I was standing in middle of the room I turned around to walk out when I bumped into someone
,,oh I am sorry I-"
,,It's alright. But who are you?"
as I looked up from the floor a pair of blue eyes was staring at me
Red lips
Cat eye
And a really expensive looking outfit
Taylor Swift.
,,omg you are Taylor?? I hey I am Kiera and hey I uh- I wanted to-"
I wasn't able to speak properly and I didn't even knew why.
She put a hand on my shoulder
,,calm down darling. Start again."
I felt week in my knees after being called darling by the gorgeous blonde
I couldn't even realise how lucky I was to be standing in front of THE Taylor Swift
I didn't really thought about all the bad thinks I was thinking of her before. in this moment I was just surprised
,,I am Kiera May, I am a journalist/reporter and I wanted to interview you but I interviewed Tree about you instead"
,,oh yeah I remember her telling me about something like this. I just don't like the press so that's why I didn't do it myself"
I just looked at her still in shock
She leaned to my ear and started whispering
,,we better keep this our little secret that we met cause otherwise you would be in trouble and we wouldn't want that right? I can pay you very good so that pretty mouth of yours stays closed"
I could feel her hot breath on my neck not beeing able to breathe properly myself
I nodded
,,Great. Here's a check"
She pulled out a peace of paper and gave it to me
I stood there completely overwhelmed
,,hope that's enough"
That's like 100 times what I would make out of the article
I nodded again
,,you don't like to talk, do you?"
I shook my head realising what dumb of a move that was
,,ok I understand and I like it better if you don't say anything. So get out of here love."
Her tone wasn't angry just very clear and strict
I got out of the room trying to realise what just happened
Oh my good what was that.
How am I supposed to not tell this to anyone?

An: hey guys so this was the first reaalll chapter
Tell me what you think so far
Also I just wanna say that I am not assuming Taylor's sexuality and it's just a work of fiction!
Love y'all have a good day/night/morning 💓😽

My idea of luxury Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ