Cornelia Street

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I was sitting at my desk trying to focus on the article. I clicked my pen a few times before writing some ideas down. I was stressed. I mean my boss told me to write that I met her but I just couldn't do it
What if she finds out?
I wrote and wrote for a few hours before printing out a good article
I was proud tbh but still not sure if they'll publish it
I tried to work all the information in, as interesting as I could and I mean that was hard with maybe 4 things about her. I could already see the dating headlines and slut shaming posts about her. I honestly just felt sorry for the woman but I mean with that kind of fame there'll always be people like them.
I put the finished paper on my bosses desk. Then I left
It was already pretty late and I had to cancel my plans with Maya cause of work. I always have to cancel plan's because of work
It was my life and my passion and I even lost some friends over it
I was overall pretty alone with only really maya, jacky and my mom who were my closest friends
My dad wasn't really amused about me beeing a lesbian but I still was in good contact with him and tbh I think he is fine with it by now. Or at least I hope so
My outing was mostly good
My sister and my mom reacted well cause they already kind of knew
My dad was very sceptical first, telling me that it's a phase and I'll grow out of it
That was 5 years ago and I am still gay soo surprise it was not a phase!
I look pretty feminine tho so most people couldn't even tell. This could either be good or bad thing, it depends on the situation.

I walked the dark streets of London. I stopped by my favourite bar
It was a very luxurious place but my friend owns it so free drinks! I already met some celebrities there but they were always busy or definitely not in the mood to talk with normos like me
,,hey jacky one martini pls"
I sat on one of the tall chairs leaning over to jacky who was mixing my martini
,,so after work drink huh?"
,,yeah you could say that"
,,you should stop overworking yourself"
,,I am not!"
,,oh you so are. Didn't you had plans with Maya? Let me guess you cancelled them?"
I looked away
,,oh yeah that's typical Kiera May. Babe get some fun DO SOMETHING"
Jacky was, as cliché as it sounds, my gay best friend
He owned the place and had some royal blood in his veins which explaines his wealth.
His husband Tommy was working with him on the business which was booming over the last year
It was the number one bar in any London travel guide but most people couldn't even afford it
So there were only the rich here
,,you should start dressing a bit more elegant Kiera. I mean you look gorgeous but I bet your pants are from H&M or something"
They were. But my sweater was Ralph Lauren so I thought it would cancel each other out
,,why do I care? It's not like any of the people here is talking to me anyway"
,,ohh that's sad. Ok next topic
Aren't you working on that Taylor Swift article? Omg did you meet her?? She's so gorgeous if I wasn't gay I would totally marry her"
,,mh yeah but I didn't meet her I just met some kind of woman who is working for her"
,,oh...but no you are one person away from Taylor!"
Oh I wasn't even 1 person away...
I remembered her hand on my shoulder
It was so exciting
,,I have to use the restroom"
,,ok alright I will watch your drink so no one tries to drug you"
,,great idea"
I walked down the stairs to the big basement where all the toilets were
It had a dim light with red carpet on the floor and mirror walls
,,hey watch it."
I again bumped into someone beeing distracted by all the mirrors
,,oh sorry"
As I looked at the person in front of me, my heart skipped a beat
,,oh it's you again? You like to bump into people don't you?"
Taylor Swift
,,I am soo sorry miss I just..."
,,oh god pls call me Taylor I mean you already had your face in my chest 2 times so we can skip that part."
I noticed her flirty tone with the sexual energy and honestly it made me even more nervous
,,so you didn't tell anyone we met right?"
I nodded
,,hm ok does the money still count for this time?"
I nodded again
,,great darling I have to go now, what's your name again?"
,,Kiera May"
She smiled and walked off with her nose high and her heels chuckling on the stairs
She was Tall
And in those heels even taller
I wasn't used to that cause I am tall myself and I always have been the tall kid in school
People told me I should model or just said stupid things to me
I loved tall girls but she intimidates me a bit
Idk if it's her ego, her character or just her stunning face and body
I stood there for a while before finally going to the bathroom

I've had a bit too much to drink that night
I danced with people and let rich guys buy me more drinks
I have a 4 drink limit so after that I have to pay.
The night was crazy when I felt all the alcohol going through my body
,,hey you wanna go home? I have a private jet and stuff"
I heard someone whisper in my ear
It was the guy I was dancing with for the past
,,no sorry I am gay"
,,oh I bet I can change that"
,,no sorry"
He grabbed my arm
,,oh god pls let me go I'm dizzy"
He didn't let go and pulled me through the sweaty crowd of people while I tried to walk properly
I felt really bad all of a sudden
Oh god this wasn't happening
He led me out of the front door still not letting go
,,pls I don't wanna go with you"
,,we will have fun I promise"
Oh I doubted that but I was extremely drunk and not beeing able to control my walking
,,leave me alone!!"
He tightened his grip around me
,,she said let go!"
A strong loud voice appeared behind me
The gorgeous blonde pointed at me signing her security to get him away from me
And so he did
After pushing the guy in his car and telling him to leave immediately he took my arm leading me to the tall women
,,what do you even think you are doing?"
Her voice sounded again really strong
,,I sorry I- oh god I am so drunk right now you look gorgeous oh wow"
,,yeah I can tell that you are"
I fell over my feet grabbing on to her shoulders
She looked down at me
,,darling you have to get home"
,,ughhh whereess homee"

I knew that what I was doing was so unprofessional of me but that girl just appeared at the most random times and idk maybe it was a sign
Also she's kind of entertaining
I tried to push her a bit away from me leaving her on her week legs again
I thought about something before I finally made a decision
,,Greg pls drive us home"
I laughed at her British accent.
I pulled her on the car side and opened the window if she had to throw up or something.
She leaned her head back in the seat getting silent for a while
I used that time to admire her face
She was really pretty
Like model pretty
Her features were round but her face was snatched making it the perfect overall
Her plump lips were slightly parted while her eyes just stared into pure emptiness
,,where are we going?"
,,oh I rent a place on Cornelia Street" I said casually
(Ik Cornelia Street is in Ny but we're just pretend it's the one in London)

We got out of the car, letting Greg lead us to the apartment
I was a very private person but mostly cause I knew that it made me crazy if I was too much in public but I still wanted to do what I love
I got distanced from most people over time and was now pretty much alone
Sure I had some good friends but I rarely ever saw them
So I started going out where the rich go
Expensive hotels,restaurants and bars while living the dream of a luxury life
But I wasn't that happy

,,oh I am tireedd Tayyy"
I smiled to myself for that nickname
Nobody called me that for years
,,you can have the guest room"
I walked her to the door of the bedroom
We walked in when I stood a bit over her looking with a serious face as she looked around
Her gaze fell directly into my eyes
Her eyes were soo green
,,you intimidate me..."
She whispered
,,you kind of scare me"
She said now a bit louder
,,oh didn't mean to."
That kind of hurt
I didn't bother to show her we're she could get towels or something and just left the room
I didn't have time for those kinds of people.

An: soo I hope you like it
hahaha have a great day/night/morning
Love y'all 🤭💓

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