Be my secret

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My phone was literally dying from the thousands of messages I got
Friends, family, some old classmates and some random people
I couldn't believe it myself as I stared at my phone seeing that I now was the only person Taylor followed
I gained about 2 million new followers and my boss was texting me non stop
It was exciting
But I didn't like it
I liked this secret thing we had
Ok I was delusional cause kicking me out of her house is not a secret special thing.

,,Do you even know what you just did??!"
Tree was sitting on the other side on the table, her laptop next to her, constantly staring at it and answering emails
,,I am sorry ok?"
I traced over the edge of my wine glass with my fingers looking at the redhead in front of me
,,Taylor you have no idea what that means for you?"
,,I am sorry! Idk what got me but it happened and we can't do anything"
,,oh we can and we will. Idk if you're fucking this girl or something but this has to end now cause it could cost your career. You wanted to stay in your secret life and begged me to help you! We are not destroying this just because you fancy some girl"
I was furious
Not only because tree didn't have any right to be like that but bc I was so sick of not beeing able to live without paparazzi and press always being in my life
,,oh yeah? Well she slept over last night !"
,,Taylor stop it now! I don't wanna know what you did but she should stay away. She's a journalist and interviewer there is no way that this can work. She's gonna use you for her work and for money"
I tried to not let her words hurt me but they did
Bc I knew for a fact that I wanted to see her again and I had to find a way to do that
But I couldn't pay her for the rest of our lives

I didn't leave my house that day
It was a surrounded by paparazzi trying to get pictures of me
My blinds were closed and I layed in bed all day.
I had a few calls with my boss about the upcoming events and stuff bc it was tomorrow night and I was the interviewer so I had to find a way to not be the one who's interviewing.
She tried to convince me to write an article about Taylor again but everytime I heard that name I froze for a second thinking about how she must feel now after being dragged into public again

2 Messages*
Oh guess your famous now darling
I hope you will think about our deal

I stared at my phone for a second thinking it was a troll
But why would they know about the deal
My head was flooded with questions

I answered

,,where was I yesterday and when did we first met?"

,,you were at my house and slept in my guest room
We first met at the bar of your friend"

There was no doubt
It was her

,,ok I believe you but why are you texting me? I thought you never wanted to see me again?"

,,yeah but now that everyone forbid me from seeing you it makes it even more thrilling."

She liked teasing and I could tell
But I wasn't up for any more drama and trouble so I left her on read
The day went by painfully slow
I tried to distract myself with cooking and cleaning my cats stuff but honestly my actions gave me too much time to think
After a while I decided to call my friend who was spamming me with articles about me all day

,,oh see who's finally coming out of the grave? Kiera why didn't you tell me that you were at Taylor f ing swifts house??"
,,can we pls not-"
She interrupted me and started babbling around how this happened and asking me questions about every detail
,,can you shut up??? Do you even know that I can't leave the house right now cause paparazzi are surrounding it and screaming things?"
,,oh Kiera I didn't mean it like that it's just exciting and-"
,,don't. I really needed you as a friend right now not a fan girl"
After hanging up I was more frustrated than before
I had to come up with an idea to save this
But I didn't knew that Taylor was already planning on doing something weird...

An: ok that's a short chapter but I needed to update again
Hope you're all doing well 💓💓

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