I can show you incredible things

389 14 12

,,Oh shit"
I quickly stood up and fixed my hair before I ran into the bathroom
I overslept
It was already 9 and work starts at 9
I was panicking while putting on my basic make up and dressing in some blouse with wide suit pants
One quick glance in the mirror left me feeling good
I don't look like a mess so that's great
I walked out of the door and called an Uber so I wouldn't be too late

,,where were you? You were supposed to start at 9 and it's nearly 10 rn"
My boss was staring at me with an expression of anger and her hands placed on both sides of her hips
,,I am so sorry traffic was really bad today and...I missed my train"
,,ok that happens. Come to my office now there are some other things we need to discuss"
I nodded and followed her into her room
It was pretty
The whole room was painted in a cream colour while a white desk was filling the room standing in the middle of it
,,sit down pls."
I did as I was told
,,so your little meetings with Swift didn't get unnoticed. Idk what you think you're doing but idc as long as we get money out of it."
It suddenly hit me
That women was still sleeping in my apartment and I just left and locked it
Meaning she couldn't get out
,,...that's why you need to get close and press every information out of her hot body so we can get rich. It's a win for both of us."
,,what do you mean no??"
,,I am not gonna do that! She's still a human being and playing with her feelings is just wrong"
,,Think about the money?? Do you know how much we would get for all her slutty secrets and hookups??"
,,I am sorry but you're being unprofessional right now and I don't want to be associated with this. I am done here."
,,You're quitting?"
,,I am."
,,youre loss. You're nothing without us and you'll never be a good journalist. You have 1 day to pack your stuff and get out of my office now!"

The streets were empty
Ofc they are it's a cold January evening and people are not exactly thrilled to go shopping
And I just quit my job
I don't even know if she was worth all this
All she said is that she wanted fun and I think I am down for it
But I hope I'm not gonna fall for her cause then I would be really foolish
I walked into the coffee shop and grabbed a caramel latte and a strawberry latte
I think she could like the caramel one
I hope so
I need to make it up to her cause I just left her locked in a room for hours
After my little talk with my boss i continued working on getting all my work on some usb's and pack all my stuff
None of my coworkers really cared cause if I was honest none of them really likes me
One guy liked me
Until I told him I was gay

I walked the stairs up to my apartment and stopped for a second the moment I reached my door
What am I gonna do now? I have Taylor's money but I don't wanna keep it
It's hers
Not mine
I grabbed my key and unlocked the door
,,Hey Darling? Are you into holding people locked up? Is that a kink of yours?"
I was greeted by a Taylor Swift dressed in my clothes
She wore the crop top she complimented me on the other day
And some pyjama short who were so short that I don't think I ever wore them
No bra
That I could tell
,,I am so so sorry Taylor I just forgot cause I overslept and I had such a bad day and I just quit my job and-"
She was now in front of me
While towering over me she placed her hands on my hips
,,shhh baby calm down"
I stopped talking
Not bc a she told me but I was simply not able to talk
,,wanna forget about your stupid day?"
She had a smirk on her face that told me exactly what she was thinking about
,,I uh-"
She then pushed me against the wall
,,I can show you incredible things..."

An: uhhh ok exciting tbh I thought I would discontinue this story but it has soo much potential tbh and I don't wanna waste that
💓💓love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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