The Aftermath - Part 3

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Mentions and descriptions of: Stabbing, torture, scarring, burnt skin, mind control, kidnapping

He looks at her, filled with sadness, and slightly horrified. "Mysty, no! Please!" His tone changes to one of a pleading tone, as he tries to get her to listen to him. "You don't have to listen to the ear piece! You don't! Please!" 

"Ran, the earpiece is what's stopping them KILLING you. I'm willing to do this for you." Mysty seems almost angry at him. He seems hesitant, but he can't get through to her. "Mysty. I can't let you do this. Please." He looks at her, his eyes filled with concern "Ran..." Mysty's eyes well up then they go wide as her mask turns on, and this time Ran can hear what plays through the ear piece. "kill him..." 

Ranboo looks horrified, and scared about the message he just heard from the ear piece. "Please, don't do this! They... They can't control you." He grabs Mysty's arm "Listen to me!" He looks at her in the eyes, his voice is filled with concern. "The control isn't real! It can't actually get into your mind! You just have to resist it, you can!" He looks determined to try and convince her. "You can't stop her Ran, try as she might but she can't resist us. She can't resist the will to live..." Ranboo looks at the founder, his eyes completely full of fear and sadness. "Wait, what do you mean...?" He tries to get Mysty to look at him. He speaks in a pleading tone "Please, Mysty, fight it-" 

Mysty looks at him sadly, and she hears someone clear their throat behind her. She turns around, and the Founder is offering her a dagger. "R-Ranboo I..." She lifts her hands shakily, and grabs the dagger Hetch offers her, then turns to face Ranboo. He looks at her, his eyes widening, and he looks at her in fear. His voice is filled with fear "Mysty, please..." He looks at her, worried that she will hurt him with the dagger. she looks at Ranboo sadly, before swiftly turning around and stabbing the founder in the stomach. 

Before they can react, they fall to the floor, grabbing at the knife. The founder falls to the ground, and Ranboo runs up to Mysty, and grabs her arm. His voice is filled with concern. "Mysty, what did you just..." He looks at the founder, horrified. "Oh my god..." "it was me or him." she says, emotionless "I... I understand, Mysty. He hugs her, and wraps his arms around her, trying to comfort her. His voice is comforting. "I didn't want anyone to die... But... But I understand. It was him or you." He looks around, worried about what could happen next. 

Mysty's eyes widened in horror as she realised she had killed someone. "Ranboo?" The last effects of the mask left her brain. "Did I do that?" "Yes, you did, my friend." He sounds saddened by that, but he tries to keep his voice comforting. "It wasn't you, Mysty. You weren't in control." He puts one of his hands on her shoulder. "B-but I killed him." She looks up at him like a small child would. "You're not mad?" He looks at her, and smiles. "Of course not. You didn't do this, the mask did. You weren't in control." He continues smiling, hoping that it will reassure and comfort her. "I am not mad. I am not mad at you, Mysty." 

"Ok.... Can we go?" Ranboo nods. "Yes, that would be helpful." He looks over at the fallen Founder, and he looks at the guards that still surround the three of them. They are limp. Now that the founder was gone, the computing in them had no purpose. They stood still, heads hanging loosely on their necks. Ranboo looks at her, and holds out his hand. "Could you take my hand? It's safer if you're next to me." His tone is slightly more protective, which is very noticeable, given how worried he was for her throughout the entire situation Mysty slips her hand in his. "Theres one more thing i need to do. Is that ok?" 

Ranboo looks at her in confusion "Um... thats fine, I guess. Just... Don't do anything you'll regret, alright?" He looks at her, his eyes filled with worry. She leads him to one of the abandoned stalls, and takes a key off the wall. He looks at the key, and the wall. He seems confused, but he stands close to her. "Um? What are we doing?" His tone is filled with curiosity.She holds the key shakily in her hand and puts it behind her head. As she turns it Ranboo hears a small click, and her mask falls off. He catches a glimpse of red, burnt skin and some scarring, before she quickly covers it with a fabric mask from her pocket. 

He looks at her, his voice becoming worried "Mysty... Did he... Did he do that to you? Did he do that to you when you were wearing the mask?!" Mysty looks at him, close to tears. "Yes..." She answers sadly. He is shocked, and his voice becomes more concerned and sad. His eyes seem a little watery. "Oh god, Mysty... How many times did they do that to you?" He seems horrified "I've been here since I was 12. My first 'series' was when I was 13. When I woke up, they thought that because I could resist the mind wipe that I would be a good test subject. They used a fake me to gain a following for the social experiments so my chat could choose. They tried re-controlling me for the Social Experiments but I woke up again. I'm 17 now Ranboo..." His eyes widen in horror, and he looks at her in shock. He looks heartbroken by this. 

"Mysty... Oh god... That's terrible..." He hugs her tightly, and closes his eyes. "I'm so so sorry..." She hugs him back, "don't be sorry, it's not your fault-" "It is, though. I'm the one who created the content that drew you here, and it's my fault you ended up as a test subject..." He hugs her, trying to comfort her, he pauses, and then speaks at a normal tone. "Don't worry though. Okay? We will get you out of here." Mysty hugs him tight. "let's get out of here." Ranboo's voice is filled with hope and he nods. "Yeah. Alright. Let's hope Aimsey got out, and now we can get out of here." He looks at her, and he starts to walk to the exit. 

He keeps his hand on her, making sure she is beside him. Mysty follows quietly behind, absentmindedly touching the mask on her face, deep in thought. He looks over at her, and raises his eyebrows slightly, trying to get a better understanding of what she is thinking. His voice fills with concern. "You alright? What are you thinking?" Mysty gets startled by the sudden sound, but hides it well. "Oh, just wondering if anyone will remember me... its been 5 years..." He looks over at her, and his voice fills with a sympathetic tone. He pauses. "I don't know if everyone remembers, or if those who do remember care anymore... I remember..." He looks over at her in kindness. He pauses and smiles. "I care about you. Okay? Don't worry. I'm sure the people who care about you, still do." 

"Thanks Ran." She pauses when she sees a door with a sign above it emergency exit. He looks over at her, and he sees the sign too. "Oh I think we've found a way out!" He sounds thrilled. "Can you unlock this door?" He points at the door, his tone is still kind and worried. "Yeah, I can, the key is over here, I remember seeing it." She walks a few paces away and grabs the key, unlocking the door. Ranboo looks over at her proudly. "Good job, Mysty!" He smiles and takes one of her hands. "Shall we get going then?" His tone is filled with kindness, as well as a hopeful tone. Mysty takes a deep breath. let's do this... "Let's go." Ranboo takes her hand, and goes through the door...

Hello everyone! thank you so much for the support on this book so far, i know my schedule is Wednesdays, but yesterday was my older sisters 18th birthday! I was busy spending time with her. i hope you guys like this chapter, and i will see you all in the next one.


genloss aftermathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora