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Chapter 4

Time was like oil... it was as slippery as I was and time slipped out of my hand.

It all passed very quickly and I found myself here again.

I have no reason to leave, not now.

...Maybe in the future...

In that period I met many other people and created a family of my own.

Starting with Ron and his son, they're a little scary but that's okay.

A swordsman with many semblances of another place.

Then the two cats of a tribe... A dragon?

The first prince of the kingdom.

A princess who likes magic to a beast who was looking for an opponent to face.

A wolfman with children from a village... his little brothers?

Is the king of commerce a certain gnome?

Whales? other dragons...

To put it in a few words... well, people... yes lots of "people".

They were loud, you could feel the happiness in the air. I didn't mind.

Even if it happened that I got migraines...


Over time I began to seek protection for a peaceful life, thus leaving the duty and title of count to my little brother.

He has never had so much confidence even though I told him many times that he is a henituse, from the moment the count marries his mother becomes one.

She is young and she has time to create a good future for herself, while I lost her, I could no longer go back to make up for the wasted time I used in hoping.

...It's better not to have an expectation...

Let's be real... It's not bad to dream and be a dreamer but in certain cases it's better to keep your feet firmly on the ground.

By now my journey was starting to get more complicated as I met more people.

I was tired...

I have long since lost faith in promises.

Maybe things change but not me...


I remained the same.

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