A Man Apart

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Jonas' Martin's apartment

'Dear diary today marks ninety-one years since I've lost my memory, anything before the year nineteen nineteen I have no recollection of, from what Elijah told me I should keep this diary in case I lose my memory again, he can be funny sometimes. Apparently we've been friends for a long time, but I don't remember him at all, all he's told me is that I have two brothers and one sister, they reside in mystic falls and they are protecting the doppelganger, the key to my salvation. Elijah has told me that his brother Klaus took my memories away. I remember waking up in New Orleans and Elijah told me that we had to go before Mikael the destroyer kills us all. I also asked him what this mark on my forearm means, but he himself had no idea, he told me that he's been researching it ever since I was eleven years old, but he found nothing. I also found a chain and inside the locket was a picture of a woman that I didn't recognize. Questions upon questions flow in my mind and will get the answers by any means necessary.  My name is Alexander Salvatore...and this is my story.'

"Are you ready Alexander?" Jonah Martin asked.

"Let's get this over with." Alexander said.

"Sit down." Jonas said and Alexander did what he was told. On the table there were items that belonged to Elena Gilbert, items that Jonas took when he broke into her house.

"So how exactly does this spell work?" Alexander asked.

"Give me your hand." Jonas said.

"I should be doing this." Elijah said.

"Yes well take this as your punishment for getting embarrassed by Damon." Alexander said, Elijah told him that his brother killed him even though Alexander had no idea what his siblings looked like.

Jonas then cut Alexander's hand open. "Place it here." He said and Alexander placed his hand on a picture of Elena. "Now take my hand." Alexander the took Jonas' hand. "Close your eyes, relax your mind, and look for her." Jonas then closed his eyes and started chanting.

Slaters apartment

Elena was in Slaters apartment, she wanted to protect the people that she loved and the only way to do that was to give herself up to Klaus willingly. She was currently looking out of the window and instead of seeing only her reflection, she saw a something else, she saw a man with raven black hair behind her, she got a huge fright and when she looked behind her there was nothing.

Jonas' apartment

Alexander opened his eyes. "You saw her didn't you?" Jonas asked.

Alexander smirked. "I know exactly where she is."

Mystic falls - Tomb

Elena's brother Jeremy had been stuck in the tomb to help with getting the Moonstone away from Katherine.

Stefan and his younger sister Luna were with Bonnie as she was ready to chant in order to get Jeremy out.

"Where's Damon?" Luna asked.

"I don't know." Stefan answered.

"We can't wait, we have to get him out of there." Bonnie said.

"She's fed, she has her strength back." Stefan pointed out.

"The two of us should be able to take her, we still have what's left of the ash." Luna said.

"Do you think you can get close enough?" Bonnie asked

"We don't have a choice." Stefan said.

"It's going to take me some time." Bonnie said.

"How long?" Bella asked.

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