Calm Before The Storm

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Lunas room

"Tell me this is a joke, Damon?" Luna asked.

"If I didn't see him myself, I wouldn't believe it as well." Damon said as he poured him and Luna a glass of bourbon.

"How?" She asked.

"I don't know, but he looked at me and just vamp sped off. Alec is or was many things, but he was never cold." Damon pointed out.

"So what do you thing is wrong with him?" Luna asked.

"Two things: either he's lost his memory,  or he's turned his humanity off." Damon said.

"Was she with him?" Luna asked knowing she would regret that question.

"No, he was alone, but he seemed so...calm." Damon answered.

"We have to find him and find out what happened." Luna pointed out.

"Yes, but if you see him, don't do anything until you call me." Damon warned his sister.

"Fine, tonight's the full moon, what's happening with Tyler?" She asked.

"Don't know, don't care." He got up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To visit Stefan." He answered.

"Fine, I'll go with you and then to Caroline's." She said and they both left the house.


"Hey brother." Luna greeted Stefan.

"Hey sis, how's Elena?" He asked.

"She's fine, safe and not trying to do something stupid." Damon said.

"How did you get her to cooperate?" Stefan was surprised that Elena was trying to keep herself safe since the last time she tried to get herself killed.

"We didn't." Luna answered. "Let's just we threw away the key."

It didn't take long for Stefan to put two and two together. "You trapped her in the house?"

"It's for the best, trust me." Damon defended their actions.

"Elena's on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits." Luna said. "The way i see it, you should be happy that Damon and Bonnie are working together without wanting to tear each other's heads off."

"We have a gift for you." Damon presented a bag. "Care package, candles, lanterns, and lunch." He held up a bottle full of blood.

"You know if you give it to me, I'll just have to share with with her." Stefan pointed out, reminding them that he wasn't alone in the tomb.

"Or you can kill her and call it a day?" Luna suggested.

"You three seem very calm considering that Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his plans." Katherine said.

"I've been dead before, I got over it." Damon said.

Luna looked at her brother. "Once we deal with this moonstone drama, we'll figure out a way to get you our of here."

"Ah, don't worry about me, just keep Elena safe." He said. Damon nodded at him and Katherine scoffed.

When Damon and Luna left the tomb they spoke inside Damon's car. "Why aren't we telling him about Alec?" She asked.

"Well A he can't do anything about it, and B...what I just said." He smirked.

"Alec is our brother, Stefan should know about him being alive." Luna argued.

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