The Pain Doesn't End

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Elena's house

Damon and Elena had arrived at her house, Damon had walked her up the porch to her door. He hadn't said anything the who drive back to Mystic Falls.

"Damon, who was that vampire?" Elena finally asked.

Damon sighed. "Our older brother."

Elena was surprised by this news. "Stefan said he died.:

"He wasn't lying, I just...what you did today was stupid." Daemon said.

"Thank you for bringing me home." Elena said wanting to change the subject.

"Well your ride left you, I didn't wanna leave you stranded." Damon said.

"She was so scared of your brother, she didn't mean to run." Elena defended Rose.

"Yes she did, she's been running for five hundred years." Damon said.

"I just can't believe your brother is alive, why do you think he killed those two vampires and just sped off?" Elena asked.

"If I had a dollar for everytime a vampire surprised me..." Damon said.

"Just to be clear what I did wasn't stupid, getting caught was stupid, I don't question why you and Stefan and even Luna try so hard to save me, you shouldn't question why I try to save you all." Elena said. "Goodnight Damon." The door opened and Jeremy looked at his sister.

"What?" Daemon asked.

"Stefan." He said.


Luna had been watching the entrance of the tomb and thought many times about entering, but how would that help, she'd just be stuck inside with her brother and Katherine. She has already lost so much, her mother, her oldest brother, her sister-in-law and her lover, she refused to lose Stefan. She played with her necklace, the man who had given it to her was gone, dead burnt alive with the rest of the Augustine cult.

"Here we go." She said as she could hear Elena's footsteps.

"Stefan. Stefan!" She stopped in front of the tomb and was about to enter, but was stopped by Damon.

"Don't you dare." Damon said.

"Get your hands off her!" Luna yelled as she pulled him off. It reminded her of the time when Damon took her choice away to save himself and her and not her lover. "Elena stop." She lightly held her arm.

"Stefan is in there, Luna." She looked at Damon. "How could you let this happen?"

"I was busy saving you from your kamikaze mission." Damon said.

"You didn't even have to go after the moonstone." Elena said.

"Yes we did, Elena, it was the right call." Luna said.

"Right call? How is any of this the right call?" Elena asked. "Luna let me go." Elena struggled to get out her grip. "Let go off me."

A tear fell from Lunas eye. "No." She understood why Damon did what he did to get them out of Augustine, but it didn't hurt any less. Elena finally stopped fighting and left the tomb.

"Luna-" Damon was cut off by his baby sister.

"I don't wanna hear it Damon. Not tonight." She said and also walked out.

Damon turned to the tomb and saw Stefan. "Of all the idiot plans, Stefan...I'll find a way to get you out."

"That's alright I'll, uh...I'll handle myself. Bonnie has the moonstone, so try yo figure out how to de-spell it." Stefan said.

"You martyr yourself into a tomb, and I get partnered with a semi-compitent witch, wonderful." Damon sarcastically said.

"Keep Elena away from here, and watch over Luna." Stefan said.

"Yeah, easier said than done." Damon said, he meant that especially for his sister, if only Stefan knew what they had been through, but Luna told Damon to never tell anyone about their time in Augustine.

"Promise matter what happens, you'll protect them." Stefan said.

"I promise." Damon failed Luna once, he won't do it again. He then left the tomb and Katherine appeared from behind Stefan.

"That was the biggest mistake that you've ever made." She smirked and Stefan walked past her.

Salvatore boarding house

Luna was in her room, she hated that she felt so vulnerable, but she was only thinking of him, his voice, when he would sing her to sleep after their experiments were being done, his touch would sooth her, calm her and even prepare her for the next time she would be cut open. They had shared a cell, but have never done anything beyond kissing and that was only when Damon was asleep.

Augustine 1958 - the night before the escape

'Here love, take some more.' Enzo said as he gave her his ration of blood.

'No, you need your strength.' Luna reminded him.

'No, I need you safe, if things go bad tomorrow, I need to ensure that you escape.' He told her.

'No, if things go bad, I'll stay here with you.' Luna told her lover.

'Look at me, love. I've spoken to Damon, we've been giving you more of our rations for a reason. You will make it out of her, with or without us, I use to tell myself that the worst thing in the world would be if I die a meaningless death, but now know that dying for you will not be meaningless. I love you, Luna Salvatore, and I won't let you be stuck in here after tomorrow.' Enzo said.

'I can't lose you, I won't survive it.' Luna said.

'Yes you will, you've survived seven years of horrendous torture,  you can survive anything.' Enzo assured her.

'I love you.' She said amd kissed him.

Present day

Luna lost her first, and only love and now she's only in Mystic Falls to help her brothers.

"Why does it always hurt?" She asked knowing Damon was outside her room.

Damon entered and sat next to her. "Because the hurt wants to break us and force us to lose ourselves."

"I wish I was strong enough to break the gate, strong enough to fight you off, strong enough to save him." Luna said.

"I know, sister, I know." He hugged her and let her cry.

"It's days like this that I wish Alec were here." Luna said.

"Luna, there's something that I need to tell you about Alec..." Damon said.

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