Chapter 5

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Sophia's pov:

I was reading better than the movies in my room when the door bell rang.

It was tuesday and this was the first time Miguel would tutor me. God knows id tried to not think about it and majorly failed.

I walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hi!" He replied.

He was standing there in his stupid jacket with his backpack on his back.

We were quiet for a few seconds.

"Uhm.. Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Oh uh yeah." He replied.

I turned around and walked into the kitchen.

"Uhm so this is the kitchen and that's my mom." I said.

He followed me.

"Hi Ms. Hansley." He said.

"Hi Mikey, hows Wendy been?" My mom asked.

"Oh she's great." He replied.

She smiled.

"Uhm so we should go upstairs." I said.

"Oh yeah- Uhm bye Ms. Hansley." He replied.

"Call me Lily." She said.

"Bye Lily." He corrected.

She nodded and we went upstairs.

Id cleaned my whole ass room and hid anything Miguel would find embarrassing.

"Nice room." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Who's that?" He asked, pointing to some pictures of Gracie Abrams on my wall.

"Uhm my favorite singer." I replied.

He did like a nod of agreement.

"Okay so uhm i brought some like workpages. I brought two so you could make one before i explain it and then one after, then I'll see if i made a difference." He said.

I nodded.

"Okay so here it is.." He said, slowly taking paper number 1 out of his bag.

"Thanks." I replied, taking the paper out of his hands.

I sat down in my desk chair and grabbed my pencil case.

He stood there, in the corner of my room.

"You can sit down." I said, pointing to my chair.

He nodded and walked over.

He looked over my paper as i made the questions, pulling an 'oh god' face sometimes.

"Miguel I don't get it." I said.

"Oh uhm so basically a small 2 is a-" He started.

"No not that, although i don't get that either but.. I don't get why your acting so shy all of a sudden." I said.

He looked at me confused.

"You've been in my house for over 30 minutes, your posture is weirdly good, your quiet, haven't judged my room and you haven't insulted me once." I explained.

"Uhm i just.. I don't know. I didn't do that before so-" He started.

"Oh god knows you did." I replied.

"No not that Soph, i meant like I didn't do that with other people I've tutored so im not gonna start doing that now." He said.

"You've tutored other people?" I asked.

"Yeah, obviously. The principal assigned me to tutor you because I've been tutoring the longest and you are miserably failing." He said.

"He actually did that because were annoying together but sure." I replied.

He laughed.

"Its just so extremely awkward." I said.

"I know its kinda weird!" He replied.

"Why in gods name is it so awkward!" I said.

We laughed.

"Okay from now on its not gonna be awkward anymore." He said.

"Yes." I replied.

We did a pinky promise.

"Your hands are weirdly warm." I said.

"Yours are weirdly cold." He replied.

"Yeah im cold." I said.

"How are you cold its like a zillion degrees!" He replied.

"Its like minus a zillion degrees!" I said.

"Here put this on." He said, grabbing a vest from the corner of my bed and throwing it at me.

I cought it.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Whos that?" He asked, looking at pictures of Gracie Abrams on my wall.

"Gracie Abrams, i already told you this. She's my favorite singer." I said.

"Can we listen to her?" He asked.

"Oh its not your music taste." I replied.

"How do you know what my music taste is?" He asked.

"I just know you'd hate her." I said.

"Okay i may hate her music but i wont hate her. Kay?" He replied.

I smiled.

"Okay so this one's really popular but its my favorite one." I said, grabbing my phone.

I turned my sound on and turned on 'mess it up'.

We listened to it for a few seconds and then he said: "Yeah not my music taste."

I laughed.

"Well i think she's awesome." I replied.

"You do you." He said.

I smiled.

God. What was he doing to me?

Before last week id never smiled at him, especially not laughed.

What is happening to me?.


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