C.H.E.R.U.B.S 👼

964 22 12

The camera goes up and sees heaven as cletus

Cletus: "well howdy I'm cletus! Welcome to heaven guess you did something to get here, and good people deserve to give loved once special blessings"

The TV explodes from blitzo shooting it

Millie: "nice one B!"

Blitzo: "give me another mox"

Moxxie hits the blasted TV out of the way with a new one and turns it one

Blitzo: "eh not feeling next!" Moxxie changes the channel "uh huh keep going keep going"

It shows an ad of wallboard

Blitzo: "bingo!" He shoots the TV

Millie: "your on a roll sir!"

The whole building shakes waking loona and y/n who were sleeping on each other's shoulders (platonicly unless it wants to be changed)

Loona: "guys did you feel that?"

Blitzo: "oh shit was that a hell shake?"

Moxxie: "thats possible?"

Millie: "Alright! Don't panic moxxie"

Moxxie: "im not panicking because hellshakes don't happen"

Loona: "stop getting historical fatty!"

Loona hits moxxie into the wall while he got crushed by the wall breaking from someone else as y/n processes the situation

Loopty: "do not be afraid"

Blitzo: "please tell me you got that insurance thing"

Millie: "who are you and what do you want?"

Loopty: "im loopty doopy dasterly all things loopy and loopyish"

Y/n: "could have used the door man"

Loona: "doesn't have to be this whole thing"

Loopty: "im eccentric must therefore do eccentric shit!"

Blitzo: "ugh this old fuck reeks of the human world did you just die?"

Loopty: "yess moments ago in fact which what brought me here"

Loona: "just saying the front door could have done just fine"

Loopty: "shut up dear furry this is the man I need you to kill!"
He shows a picture of an old man

Blitzo: "not even a shit length time in hell and is already ploting revenge i can respect a man with that time of passion my names blitzo the o is silent"

Loopty: "what o?"

Y/n: "thats what everyone says!"

Blitzo: "aw thank you so whats the tea sis?"

Loopty: "the tea?"

Moxxie: "guys help!"

Y/n: "fine you possum" y/n helps him up

Blitzo: "what did this guy do to you?"

Loopty: "he was my business partner"

He shows his past


loopty: "now get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless son of bitch to hell where he belongs"

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