The circus 🎪

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(A/n some meanings real quick for this chapter

R/n = real name
C/n = child nickname)

It cuts to young blitzo, Fizzarolli and r/n

Fizzarolli: "read blitzo? Ready r/n?"

Blitzo: "born ready!"

R/n: "hell yeah!"

The three jump off the platforms and join hands as they moves fast around passing stolas as stolas blushes seeing r/n and blitzo as blitzo lands first on a ball then Fizzarolli and r/n landing right on top of them holding her up as they all had smiles on there faces

Blitzo: "heyo fokes wanna see me make a horse?"

He then tries to make a balloon horse but it pops

Blitzo whispers to himself: "crap" he then tries again but fails it keeps going in a loop for about 5 times till he finally makes one with no legs as r/n comforts him by pating his back

Blitzo: "horse!"
The crowd is slient as he then speaks "well it was a horse but it then ate too much surger and his legs stop working so they had to amutate it now its a ground horse"

Stolas then giggles

Blitzo: "see this guy gets it? Cause horses they make no sense"

Fizzarolli: "ok blitzo thats enough horsing around hey r/n let's show em how its done"

They both then make two horses

Fizzarolli: "hey everybody look at this its banana puting and apple pie the clown horsey nayyyy"

The crowd then cheers

Stolas: "i liked his broken horse joke it was funny there legs do stop working when they eat to much surger its called laminitis"
Stolas then does his cure baby owl laugh as his father gets an idea

It cuts to after the show with paimon going to cash

Paimon: "what a show that was real great so that little clown you have my son really enjoys that one I was wonder if I could buy em?"

Cash: "buy em?"

Paimon: "purchase them yes accurate" he then claps his hands and the mirror he was in went into cash'es face "my son doesn't have any friends you see and he'd like the little clown its his birthday today and hes so sad and I don't want to deal with him can I write a check?"

Cash: "well Fizzarolli is big draw he has a few more shows today so it would be pretty expensive"

Paimon: "no no the other one"

Cash: "r/n?"

Paimon: "no no the other other one"

Cash: "blitzo?"

Paimon: "correct how much?"

Cash: "He's my son so um how much do you got in your pocket?"

Paimon: "ay... waddle up 5 and a slim fit condom"

Cash: "gahh thats plenty done"

Paimon: "splendid fetch him and we will be on our way"

He then disappears up as someone else enters

(I actually had to Google this)

Theodora/Stella's mom: "hello i wish to purchase the girl clown for my daughter she enjoyed her and I was wondering if I could buy her"

Cash: "she has a few more shows but I can give you her for 50$"

Theodora: "perfect"
She then disappears

🄿🄻🄰🄽🄴 🅂🄸🄶🄷🅃 (H.H X Succubus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now