Chapter 5

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***forced intimacy

"Welcome home," Dax said stepping up to the car door as well.

"My home is miles and miles from here," I muttered between sniffles.

"I see we are going to be difficult." He chastised.

"Difficult? Difficult?!" I suddenly snapped, "You haven't seen difficult."

"And I am sure my dear you plan to show me, but can you do that inside?"

He gestured to the large structure behind him and Ace.

"No," I settled into the cars leather seat as an act of defiance.

The next thing I know Ace is apologizing once again as he lifts me over his shoulder and carries me inside.

If I wasn't so pissed and distraught I would have admired the high ceiling and oak beams of the home. I was unceremoniously plopped down on a couch while Ace perched on the arm and Dax lit a fire before sitting in a chair facing me.

"Please just reject-" I tried to beg.

"ENOUGH!" the alpha's voice boomed through the home causing me to curl up into the back of the couch, knees to my chest, he shook his head, "I am not trying to scare you Dawn, but I cannot deal with you constantly begging to be rejected. It is making my wolf crazed, he wants to mark you so you will stop. I have less control over him than normal with you, so we need some ground rules for your sake not necessarily mine. I do not have any intention to mark you without your consent so please do not fear that, but my beast may not be as kind if pushed too far."

I gulped losing some of my edge, "What rules?"

"First, do not ask me to reject you again." He looked me in the eyes while I nodded my understanding, "Next, I will allow you calls but not to Ryan."

"Why?" I couldn't stop my protest.

"You reek of him, your home reeked of him. You two may not be dating but neither myself nor my wolf is stupid. I can't deal with you talking to him until your marked."

I shrunk away again at his tone but nodded at least I could talk to some of my friends and my family.

"Next do not flirt with any males here especially Ace," he almost groaned.

"I haven't been flirting with Ace!" I protested but the Alpha just glared at me, "okay, anything else?"

"You go nowhere without Ace, Luke, or myself. And finally this will probably be your least favorite," he paused taking in my reaction, "You will be staying in my room. Luke and Lex grabbed your things and they have already put them upstairs."

I opened my mouth for a large protest but he held up his hand, "I haven't slept since we found you. I need you with me. I can stay on the couch, you can have the bed. But I need to stay in the same room as you to help keep control over my wolf. He is a beast, there is nothing to sugar coat about that side of me, and he must be appeased at least slightly. He feels he is showing a great kindness to his mate by waiting to mark you and a certain level of respect is needed in return. I knew the instant I smelled you on Luke and Ace that you were mine, my wolf knew, and we are understanding but struggling that we are not recieving that same affection back. I have shown more self restraint than you can imagine since meeting you and I am truly not sure how much I have left."

"Fine," I muttered.

He nodded and continued, "This is the pack house, the third floor is my room, private bathroom, and office, a guest room with private bath, the second floor has rooms for other high ranking wolves and visitors, and the bottom floor has a kitchen, dining area, living room, and then some rooms for younger pack members who haven't found their mates but no longer wish to live with their parents. Go where ever you want as long as myself, Luke, or Ace is with you. You can rest and if you want later I can show you around the actual town."

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