Chapter 17

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A knock on the door snapped my head in that direction.

"It's Trish," I heard her voice float through the door.

"I'm dressed come in."

The she wolf entered the room, and I was surprised when Draven didn't follow her.

"I have to apologize again," she said staring down at her shoes, "Leila was obviously not stable, I can't believe she slept with him and attacked you."

"Hey its alright," I rubbed the back of my neck not appreciating the awkward situation, "You can't control other people right?"

She finally looked up and smiled, "Obviously the ritual won't work but I meant it me and Kain will help you go back to your human life if that's what you want."

I simply shook my head, "I don't think that's the path my life is taking anymore."

She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"I guess your plan worked better than anyone expected," I paused, "It seems I accepted him at some point. There are these sparks when we touch now and I can't get my mind to want to not want him anymore."

I blushed slightly as I finished explaining.

She gave a small smile again, "So you will stay with him and become his Luna?"

"One step at a time, let me make sure I actually like the guy first," I cracked a joke to try and lighten the mood.

She chuckled slightly, "Kain and I do have to get back to Harvest Star, I was going to offer for you to come as an option, but I guess just giving you my number will have to do."

I took the piece of paper she offered and slipped it in my pocket.

"I am sure we will see each other soon," I replied.

"When we see each other again I'm a sure you will thank me," she joked with a wink.

"Or I will know who to place blame on when it all goes to hell."

She simply laughed and shook her head as she exited the room. Draven came in as she left.


The tone made me realize it was Dax not Draven who stood there.

"Dax?" I glanced at him and instantly regretted it.

He was crying and it gutted me to see him in pain like that.

"I am so sorry Dawn. If I was in control I would have never done that to you. Draven was so angry and always thinks he knows best. You don't have to forgive me or him, if you want to reject us you will have round the clock care. Really, whatever you want."

I tore my eyes away from him and looked at my own feet, "I think I want you."

If not for his werewolf hearing he never would of heard the barely audible mumble that left my mouth.


His feet were now in front of mine, almost close enough to touch. I felt the electricity reverberating between us and then the sparks ravaged my senses as his hand slid onto the side of my face and down under my chin gently tilting it up to look at him.

He held my gaze for a second before speaking in a somber tone, "This is your last chance to reject this bond and go back to your human life."

"Ok," I dumbly replied.

"Ok you understand that or ok you want that?"

"Ok I understand," I glanced to the side starting to burn up under his intense stare.

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