Chapter 2: Nora

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Whoever said confidence is the key to being accepted, obviously never went to high school. A rich one at that.

My blonde hair is in waves, my light makeup flawless and my uniform pressed. The confidence is there, but I am still way too nervous for my own good.

Helene Aramina School stands before me in all its glory. High arches, perfectly worn stone walls, trimmed trees, and a terrifying stature. Honestly, what high school needs to be so pretty? Teenagers don't know how to care for it.

Students are walking inside, some sit on the grass outside. Everyone is wearing their uniforms. The girls in a plaid skirt with a white polo tucked in and the boys a light blue button down and cream trousers. Some look more put together than others.

For example, a boy's shirt is untucked and his pants are rolled up. I squint only to notice the lipstick marks on his neck and collar. I guess early morning hookups happen everywhere, even in expensive prep schools.

I turn to my dad, my brows furrowed in nervousness. My face relaxes when I see his soft gaze. He brought me today to make sure I was okay alone. Tomorrow I will come in my new car.

"Come on, honey." He says. "You will do great. Just be yourself." Suddenly he was hugging me. His hold is tight, making me feel better. "Plus, If you don't hurry, you'll be late."

I laugh at his words and grab my bag from my feet. I take a deep breath and open the car door. "See you later, daddy."

As soon as I get out of the car, I can feel eyes on me. Those gazes turn into whispers. They are probably not saying anything bad, but I am trembling under their eyes.

Trying to make some friends, I smile at a group of girls. Instead of returning the smile, they snicker to themselves. Okay then.

I don't know where the headmaster's office is, so I just wander through the main halls for a few minutes until I can officially say I am lost. This school is huge, so the office could be on any of the four floors or twisting hallways.

My head spins, trying to locate someone who looks nice enough to help me. I spot a girl with brown hair standing in front of her locker. Instead of wearing normal sneakers like everyone else, she is wearing bright red converse. Her bag is also red, as well as her sweater. Her face is twisted in concentration as she looks at something on her phone.

Slowly, I approach her, not wanting for her to be startled. She looks up at me and smiles. "Hi, are you new?" She asks, then goes back to her phone.

"Yes." I answer, relieved that she seems nice. "I'm trying to find the Headmaster's office but this school is huge."

She giggled at my reply. "No worries. I can take you." She stuffs her phone in her bag. "So, what's your name?"

"It's Nora." I reply as we start going up a flight of stairs. "What's yours?"


"And you're american?" I ask because she doesn't have an accent.

She nods. "My dad's British, but I lived in New York until I was ten."

"I also lived in New York until a few weeks ago." I inform her with a smile. It feels so good to meet someone from the same place as you.

She stops and motions to the door which says Headmaster. The door is wooden with a small window. I can see the secretary inside.

"Well, I'll see you later, Nora." She waves awkwardly and walks away. She stops to talk to a boy with brown hair and a cute smile. Way to go, Brooklyn.

Knocking a few times, I open the door. I am greeted by a french looking man. He is sitting at the secretary's desk, a somber expression on his face.

"Name?" He questions with me saying anything.

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