Chapter 2

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Ava walks out of the apartment complex she lived in with Nat. As she walked out she put on her hood and headphones and started to the cafe Nat told her about. As she was walking through the streets, she observed everyone. there was an inattentive mother walking her kid as she was on the phone, there was an attractive man ignoring a beggar saying he had nothing on him. 'That's NY for ya.' She thought.

Ava felt a bit pity for the poor man. She walked toward him and put a 5 in the MC D's cup next to him. the man smiled as he looked up at her. 'This world is full of assholes. Karma will get to that man eventually.' Ava thought. A while later she arrived at the coffee shop and walked in.

"Welcome, and good morning!" sang an overly cheerful employee. Ava smiled and nodded toward her not to be rude. She found a good seating place and sat down. She grabbed the menu and waited for Nat and the girl he's meeting.


'Finally that bitch shows up' complained Ava as she rolled her eyes. She sees the girl, and she is in fact very attractive. The girl had blonde hair in a low bun that somehow looked amazing. She had brown eyes and fair skin. She was wearing a cute pink crop top and excessively short white shorts, and knee high socks with black heels.

Ava watched them as they sat down and began to order. It seemed that they were getting along swell, till Ava got an alert.

'Naty Boi<3':

Let's do her next.


But y? I thought u were hitting it off

'Naty Boi<3':

She is super loud and annoying and keeps talking about her daddy issues


Ok then! I'll get my stuff ready (^w^)

Ava shuts off her phone and packs up her stuff. Before Ava leaves she passes something to Nat. She waves to the cheerful employee as she walks out the door. She goes to a nearby park to wait.


Ava was just chilling, enjoying the peaceful breeze. Then she got a text.

'Naty Boi<3':

Yo, she just went 2 the bathroom.


Perfect! Do u know wat 2 do next?

'Naty Boi<3':

Ofc I know wat 2 do.


Alrihty, see u then (^v^)

Ava turns off her phone and sits back in exhaustion.

"Sigh. Well time to set things up." Ava sighed as she jumped up from the bench she was resting on. She grabbed her stuff and headed to a vacant area in the park. Soon she found a perfectly secluded area and set up signs so no pedestrians would interrupt them. Once Ava was done she found a nice hiding place to wait.

Not even 15 minutes pass before Nat and the girl arrive. 'Shit man, I just finished on time.' Ava thought. Ava noticed that the girl seemed drowsy and was stumbling a little. 'Perfect, the sedatives are starting to kick in.' Ava contemplated.

"Ah gosh, I'm feeling so dizzy," the girl said, " can we sit down? Im feel light headed."

"Of course. Here, sit here." Nat said as he led her to a nearby tree. "Stay here, I'm going to get you some water." he told her as he stood up.

"Ok. don't be long," she said. Nat nodded at her in reassurance as he walked away. Ava slowly pulled her knife out of her pocket and quietly snuck out behind her hiding place. Just as the girl laid back, Ava struck. Ava pounced on her and started stabbing her in the chest, and because of the sedatives that Nat put in the girl's drink she couldn't fight back and was hardly awake to process what was happening or scream.

As Ava shoved the knife in the girl, she could see her insides and hear the organs being moved and ripped. Blood was bursting everywhere, and the poor girl couldn't say anything because she was choking on her own blood. The sounds of the girl struggling to fight and escape brought amusement to Ava and caused her to smile widely. Once the girl stopped fighting, Ava finally got off of her and gasped in exhaustion. She looked at the lifeless girl before her and couldn't help but laugh.

"Damn, how fucking stupid could you possibly be?" Ava laughed. suddenly she herd someone approaching her. 'shit' she panicked. Then she saw that it was only Nat and she calmed down.

"Could you be any louder?" Nat said rhetorically walking out of the shadows.

"You got the stuff?" Ava asked, ignoring him.

"Yeah. go on and get cleaned up, I put some wipes next to your bag." Nat replied.

"Thanks Naty!" Ava cheered as she skipped to her bag.

"Sigh, why do I put up with her," he uttered to himself.  

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