chapter 3

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"One... two... three." Nat counted as they threw the body into a river 10 miles from the city.


"Man, that was a heavy one," Ava exclaimed, dusting herself off, "I can't wait to take a shower!"

"We should start to head home. What do you think about pizza tonight?" Nat asked Ava, already knowing the answer.

"YAY! Food!" Ava cheered as they walked to the car.


There is a knock at the door and Nat goes to answer it.

"Ah the food," Nat said to himself, "thanks, have a good one." Nat closed the door and went to the kitchen to put down the food.

"Ava. food!" Nat called.

"Coming!" Ava called back. A few moments later Ava walks out of the bathroom, hair still soaking from the shower.

"Finally,... is that my shirt?" Nat asked.

"Yeah, all my clothes are dirty so I had to borrow one of yours. I hope you don't mind." Ava replied, reaching for the food.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to go get them washed yesterday. Sorry," Nat commented.

"It's fine. I'll do it tomorrow." Ava said as she sat at the couch, "Lets just eat and worry about it later. Plus it's not like it's anything new."

"Yeah." Nat muttered. He sat down next to Ava and turned on the TV.

"What's it going to be today?" he asked. Ava turned her head and looked at Nat maliciously. Nat looked at her knowing exactly what was going to come out of her mouth.

"The Lorax!" Ava yelled. Nat sighed as he put it on because there was no changing her mind. They sat back and started to eat as the movie started. 'Why do I put up with you?' Nat questioned himself as he glanced at Ava.

'~next day~'

An alarm goes off, and Ava turns it off as she sits up in bed. She stretches her arms up and yawns. She looks at her phone to see it say it is,

"8 huh? Well, time for work." Ava said to herself. She gets out of bed to go get dressed. Once she is done, She heads to the bathroom to do her makeup and makeup. Then Ava goes to the kitchen to make some coffee, and while it's brewing she puts in her contacts and jewelry. When the coffee is done she drinks it with her meds and starts to pack up her stuff.

"Are you leaving?" Nat asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah. I'll bring back food." Ava responded, "I got to go, see ya."

"Bye," Nat said as he waved to Ava. She walks out of the building and heads to the subway. Once she's on the subway, Ava puts on her headphones to listen to music as she waits. 

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