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August 4th, 1984 - New York, United States (I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER FROM AUG 4TH 😭😭)

I kissed him. I didn't feel regret but I felt embarrassed. I pulled myself away but before I could apologize, Kirk pulled me back in. He was so gentle with it, he put his hands on my face and softly kissed me. He stopped and looked at me, his hands still on my face and his eyes glowing like he was in love.

He was about to kiss me again when we heard the door open, he quickly let go of my face and looked at the door to see Cliff smiling like an idiot. He just smiled and left. "Give me a minute" I told Kirk. I followed Cliff, took his arm and brought him outside with me. "Cliff I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know if I should've- you shouldn't have-"

"Luna, relax" he said. Me and him sat on the ground where I sat earlier and he passed me a cigarette. I thanked him and put my head in my hands. He took the cigarette and lit it for me, smoking it until I was ready to take it from his hand.

I took the cigarette and took a few quick puffs before he spoke. "You got a thing with Kirk huh?" he asked. "Cliff-", "it's alright Luna, he has a thing with you too, that's why he's been so anxious lately, it's not like him but he seemed to cool down after you sat next to him earlier".

I sighed, barely able to think. "God I feel like an idiot", I looked at Cliff. He took the cigarette out of my shaky hand before flicking it so it didn't burn out on me. "You aren't, you're just in love. I remember feeling like this after I met Corinne, my girlfriend".

It made me feel better that he understood me. Cliff got up, reached his hand for me to take it and he pulled me up. "Go talk to him, I'll be with the others". I nodded and went back to the room where Kirk still was. I walked in and he had a beer bottle this time on the table. He was still sitting there but he had his head in his hands.

He looked up when I walked in, he instantly smiled and he looked like his shoulders stopped being so tense. I sat next to him, this time facing him. He moved so he was facing me as well. I moved his messy curls out of his face, he smiled, making his dimple pop out.

I look at my watch, it's nearly 6 pm already. We heard a knock on the door and it was Cliff. He said him and the rest of the band were gonna go walk around the area and look for something to do and said we could stay if we wanted. We both decided to stay, we wanted to talk to each other.

Kirk layed back on the bed and signaled for me to come closer. I layed on the pillow next to Kirk, facing him. He turned and faced me too. He moved my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. He looks in love but also confused.

"What's on your mind?" I asked Kirk. "I don't know what I'm doing. Something about you is so different, something I've never had." I frowned at his statement. I kissed him again, this time his lips tasted like beer and I couldn't get enough of it. I made sure to gently kiss him, we barely even know each other. Clearly that didn't phase Kirk because he sped up the kiss a bit more. His eyebrows were furrowed as he kissed me, almost as if it was out of frustration or confusion. He put his hand on my arm, it hurt so I flinched.

He softly let go of my arm and looked at me. I know he didn't mean to but he grabbed my arm that's covered in newly scars from the other night. He looked worried. "It's okay you didn't mean to". He wiped the single tear off my cheek that I didn't even know was there. He brought my head to his chest and started softly playing with my hair. I think he knew what happened. Somehow he knew.

(Kirks POV)

I know it's not because I gripped her arm hard. I saw a scar earlier, why would I point it out? I shouldn't have grabbed her arm. So much thoughts ran through my head as I ran my fingers through her hair. Before I knew it, she was falling asleep. She mentioned earlier she barely got sleep last night, she got home late and had too much adrenaline. I kissed her head before I too fell asleep.

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