A Brave New World

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The cuisine in Daehaminguk Shaniya is a delicacy of Asian cuisine from its own people, and consists of rice, curries, dumplings, fruits and vegetables, and flower. Other Asian cuisines come from the Indian and Chinese Regions, as well as Filipino, Thai, Malay, and Oceanic regions.

This is within itself a finely perfected art, made with genuine and fresh ingredients. Processed foods are also available via McDonald’s , Burger King, Jollibee and Mister Donut.

Litter is rarely seen on the streets of Daehaminguk Shaniya. It’s quite a surreal site for someone who is used to seeing trash in the streets of Westminster.

Daehaminguk Shaniya has many attractions. There’s the statue, dedicated to a great leader Yi Shu Shin, the leader of the Left Chola Navy, who used intelligence and their environment to defeat the invading Japanese at that time. There is also a QR code carved out of marble, that takes you to the official Meitetsu Yoona NFT collection where I parted with three thousand Yoona and am now the proud owner of a picture of dedicated trans female president. All you need is a phone and a QR code reading app.

There is also the sporting areas, community centers, city centers, and entertainment centers all across Daehaminguk Shaniya. The capital city of Suitengumae-to has riverside beaches that stretch as far south as the Atlantic Ocean and as far north as Canada. Olympic Highway (Route One) is a great way to explore one of Daehaminguk Shaniya greatest city of Seoul and Incheon. Tokyo is another major hub of Daehaminguk Shaniya as well as Shanghai, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Guangzhou, Hunan, Pyongyang, Shinzoka, Manila, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Chiang Mai, Singapore, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Taipei, just to name a few.

The Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya are proud of their efforts and dedication to combat manmade global climate change through their public transportation infrastructure which includes trains, ferries, planes which run on alternative forms of energy, zero emission cars, etc.

Every other aspect of this nation has been beautifully perfected, to the point that it’s population quality of life is increasing at a rapid and progressive pace. We are all in third world countries, seeing how we are all on the third world (planet, rock, etc), from the sun. So that is even more proof that we are more interconnected than certain people think. Which is also a big part of the increase of the quality of life of the people of the Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya.
And yes, it has shiny trains.

Stepping out onto the platform of a Shinkansen or any train, is actually a beloved pass time for the people of this fair nation.  You can get anywhere that you want to go by train or other forms of Public transportation. Other hobbies includes skiing, running, mountain climbing, calligraphy, cooking, etc.

In fact, you can lean out of the window of some trains, and enjoy the opportunity of saying hello to the locals and if you are not in a hurry, you might just be able to snatch yourself some prized local food or rare products not available in the major stores or shops.

The public transportation infrastructure is fully funded by the Ministry of Transportation and Recreation. Taxation is illegal in Daehaminguk Shaniya and all infrastructure and public projects are funded by the government. There is never a infrastructure project that isn’t property funded.

I arrived at Tait's folly, which is located at a railroad junction outside of Suwon. This area was dedicated to the prime minister, who defeated Gage Kirby, Damian Tait, and the entire GC2 cult, after Gage Kirby created a defamation attack against the government of Daehaminguk Shaniya via the internet.

She defeated them by showing bravery and cunning, as she used her intelligence and vast connections, to expose the GC2 cult fascist of their hatred against humanity and the actions that they perpetrate against groups of people, like the LGBTQ+ community, liberals, progressives, people of color, etc. She then created a safe space for the victims of hate speech and oppression, caused by conservatives and other governmental and nongovernmental oppressors, which then later became the Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya.

The same entity that found Gage Kirby and his followers guilty of crimes against humanity via the internet, particularly via Discord, Facebook, Twitter, Odyssey, Deviant, etc. All without wilding a gun or using violence against anyone. She turned a bad situation dealing with vengeful, hate filled, sociopaths, into a democratic republic of equality, unity, and love. This is definitely a “the more you know “moment.

Daehaminguk Shaniya Is run on a green economy, where people have the benefit of living their lives in peace, without feeling guilty about destroying the planet in the process. Daehaminguk Shaniya recycles 92% of its overall trash products, and runs on 100% renewable energy, which a fraction of that is sold off to other countries. That money is then reintroduced into Daehaminguk Shaniya economy, which continues the success of the existence of this country.
The Mortality rate  in Daehaminguk Shaniya is around 2%, thanks to the Universal National Healthcare program, that allows every human being to be healthy without any financial burden.
Daehaminguk Shaniya has adopted a personal universal health system, where the country doesn’t utilize a “one size fits all” approach to an individuals health, but instead respects the elements of individuality, where each individual is treated as a single patient, instead of a collective.  A lack of access to healthcare, is considered discrimination.

I went to a comedy show on the promenade of Tait’s Folly across from the train station.. There was a comedian, who looked Enthusiastic to be alive, and treated everyone as if we have known each other for life.
He did a set, which included some of his political parodies, about Trump’s indictments, and the January 6th insurrection.
The audience was truly happy. With a smile on my face, I went off to grab a pint, which is cheap because the Ministry of Financial Affairs makes sure that pubs don’t overcharge you for your drink.
The comedian told another series of jokes about what would have happened if Kyle Rittenhouse was a person of color when he was doing what he was doing with his dad’s assault rifle. This comedian is actually a transgender woman who excaped persecution from her conservative family and the politicians of the Republican party in the United States. She hasn’t let her suffrage in the past, keep her from spreading joy to others in the present.
I left the comedy club and met a woman with a tattoo that says “my body wants girls”, just outside the comedy club.
“You look fit in your outfit?” I called.
“Thanks” The woman said.
“What are you doing tonight”
“Whatever you want to do” she said
I laughed and we went to a authentic Daesha pub on Katsushika Parkway that sales Bibimbap with egg and a scoop of natural vanilla ice cream on top. Daehaminguk Shaniya has made all necessities that is needed for the survival of the human race to be free, including food. So you can eat at a restaurant or pub for free, as well as shop at a shopping place or club.

After we ate, we went to a few clubs, got high, took the train back to my hotel room, and had an amazing time with each other’s bodies. It was real, trust me. Daehaminguk Shaniya is 100% LGBTQ+ friendly. There are actual laws banning individuals and groups of people from verbally and physically abusing people who are LGBTQ+, alongside the rest of civilization that exists in Daehaminguk Shaniya. So we were not at all concerned about back lash towards her being a lesbian and me being pansexual.

After the amazing session, we decided to watch some TV. On Meitetsurubia (which is a televisión network aimed at exposing conservatives and their hateful beliefs, actions, and lifestyle choices) there was this street preacher outside of a Planned Parenthood location in Michigan USA, ranting about “protecting the unborn” (which makes no sense because how are you protecting something that doesn’t exist), because pregnant people forewent a abortion (or was just going in for other services and resources that had no connection with abortion), and that was against his own personal beliefs (but yet the people in planned parenthood actions were never their concern to begin with, nor did they actually stop anyone from going into the planned parenthood office. In fact about thirty minutes later, they got arrested and taken off the property).
They (these conservatives), were screaming “Shame, shame, shame. Look at all the sinners at this death camp” At the top of his lungs and got into some verbal altercations with people who were just minding their own business.
Police pulled up almost immediately to get them off the property of Planned Parenthood, they refused under “the name of Jesus Christ and him crucified”, and the police arrested them and took them away. A person’s right to choose is protected by the constitution of the Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya, which includes the right to choose what said individual wants to do with their own bodies.

The next morning, we passed a statue that was dedicated to a transgender woman who declared her independence from the tyranny of the conservatives forcing her to be cisgender when she was not, so she defended her rights to her own sexuality. The statue dedicated itself to the poor tragic figure who was murdered by cops for being transgender.
We are glad we came across this landmark, because transgender people deserve to be honored for their strength and bravery against all odds and oppressors. After Sanjana (that’s the girl I was kicking it with this whole time) went home, I got back to my hotel room and jumped into bed.

One nice thing about Daehaminguk Shaniya, is that there’s no sirens. Daehaminguk Shaniya has a strict noise ordinance for residential areas.  So if you don’t like the sounds of sirens, find a hotel or a place to live, in a residential area. As for my hotel room, the place is basically tranquil.

The next morning, I hit a bit of a snag. You see, I Daehaminguk Shaniya has different outlets and power availability than in the UK. However, because of the power availability being higher than in the UK, I needed a adapter. This resulted in a trip to the mall being made at ten AM that involved taking the Suitengumae Metro to La’keisha Mall in Lenovo Village in La’keisha-ku, Suitengumae (more on my metro travels later on in the series).
In the end, I got my adapter and I could charge my devices. Also fortunately, the metro was free (so is almost every public transportation system in Daehaminguk Shaniya).That allowed me to save money for even more adventures within Daehaminguk Shaniya.
The Democratic Republic of Daehaminguk Shaniya is a haven of transparency, equality, fact finding, intelligence, and it is where logic goes to thrive.
I would highly recommend that everyone go support Daehaminguk Shaniya and become a citizen to see how amazing your life WILL be.
I would also recommend that the United Nations adopt Daehaminguk Shaniya into their organization, and help them to achieve the world peace that anyone with intelligence would want for themselves, their families, and for the human race as a whole.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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