Snow White Hair

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"Tch..." A white-haired boy with marks on his body slouched over exhausted said standing across from a man with coal dark hair "Gambare Gambare..!" The coal dark haired man said to the one opposite of him, "Fine...Last Resort Technique....Lapse Blue: Maximum Output".

"AHH...!" A boy named Izuku with snow white hair had jumped from his bed, he had been having a reoccurring dream for a week straight before his birthday. "God...that dream again, when will it end." Izuku then checked the clock, "12:00 only...? I should head back to sleep big day in the morning." Izuku had laid back down and closed his eyes then heard something. "Izukuuuu......" A voice had spoken which caused the boy to jump up again. "Izukuuuuuu...." the voice had spoken again but this time it came from downstairs, Izuku knowing it was a bad idea to go down still had the urge to incase his family had been in danger, Izuku went down the stairs and then heard the voice speak again, "Izukuuuuuuu...." it had come from a door his father had always told him not to go in, Izuku's father had been out for months but called occasionally, he didn't care about his father's rule at this point anymore he wanted to keep his family safe, "Shit...Of all place you have to go in that room..." Izuku whispered to himself, he forced himself to open the door

" Izuku whispered to himself, he forced himself to open the door

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"Izuku!" Someone yelled from behind, "AHH...!" Izuku yelled he looked behind him and saw his little sister, "You little shit...what are you doing up!" Izuku whisper yelled at his little sister, " I can't really stay sleep with all this noise can I..!" She whisper yelled back, "And you know you can't be in there!" She continued scolding Izuku. "Ok Ok..! Just let's go back to bed we have a lot to do in the morning!" Izuku said he then walked his little sister Sakiko back to her room and went to bed himself still wondering about the voices.

ANK ANK ANK , "Huh...?" Izuku woke up and then stopped his alarm, " is the day...I hope dad comes home to celebrate with us..." Izuku said to himself, he then went to his closet and put on a white button up long sleeve shirt with some black dress pants and black air forces. Izuku walks down the stairs where his little sister runs up to him and gives him a hug, "Happy Birthday Izuku!" She says with a bright smile on her face, "Haha...! Saki one day you're going to kill me with that smile!" Izuku then picked up Sakiko and put her on his back then walks to the kitchen where his mom is.

 "Ahh...! Those are my two rays of sunlight! Happy Birthday Izuku! My little boy is finally turning into a man!" Inko said while grabbing Izuku's cheeks.  "Saki help Mommy set the table for Izuku's Birthday!" Inko said excitedly which in response Sakiko jumped off Izuku and ran into the pantry to get the food. Inko then got serious almost immediately, "Izuku, your father is in the basement, He wants you to go down there, and he needs to talk to you." Inko said in a serious tone almost exactly opposite of her normal attitude, "M-Mom..? W-what's this about...?" Izuku said a little scared, "Your father will explain everything" His mother said motioning for him to go through the door, now that Izuku could think straight unlike the previous night Izuku felt weird opening the door as he wasn't allowed in there.

"Izuku....You're finally awake! Happy Birthday my boy!" His father Akumu said, Izuku was confused as he looked around it was just a normal basement cluttered with things from his father and mothers past like any other basement, "Hey Dad, Mom said you wanted something..?" Izuku said a little nervously and underwhelmed, "Hey..! Loosen up a little Izuku!" His father said with the same grin as always on his face, "Yes I did ask for you! I need to tell you a few things!" His father said losing the grin a little, "Y-Yes father..?" Izuku said as he had never seen his father lose his smile. "Izuku...Do you remember the day you were pronounced quirkless..?" His father had said, Izuku hated to remember that day, the day his world had been destroyed. "Yes father I remember it quite vividly..." Izuku said looking down still remembering the day, "About that Izuku...what if I told you that you could be a hero and not just any hero one of the top heroes..?" Akumu had said to Izuku making him perk up quickly, "Hardy har har father, make fun of me on my birthday will ya..?" Izuku said thinking this was some kind of sick joke, Izuku then started walking up the stairs when a beam was shot pass his head, "W-What..!?" Izuku had looked back to see it had came from his fathers finger, "B-But I thought you were quirkless!" Izuku had said surprised at his dad's show of power.

"This isn't a quirk Izuku.." Akumu said then continued "This is something far greater than that of a quirk.." Akumu finished surprising Izuku who was too stunned to speak, "Izuku long ago there was another era of heroes they were called sorcerers, these people were way more powerful than the heroes today but one man stood out and his name was Satoru, he was the strongest of them all but he was lonely at the top, one day the Strongest of the sorcerers in the past was reborn, he wanted to eradicate the human race cause he found them unappealing, but this new Strongest wouldn't allow that  so they fought and at the brink of death the old came to his senses but the best friend of the New Strongest had betrayed them and killed them at their weakest the new had a clan and his bloodline kept going while the old's power had been split into 20 of his fingers." Akumu said bringing back his smile but waiting for his sons response.

"S-So you're saying, we are sorcerers and I can be a hero?" Izuku said still in awe, "Not just any sorcerer clan Izuku, your mother's clan sprung from that New Strongest." Akumu said leaving Izuku in even more shock, "Haha and that's not all, Izuku I've studied you since you were a baby after seeing that you have both abilities of Satoru, what I didn't expect was that you were also a perfect vessel of power for Sukuna the Old Strongest." Akumu said his grin turning into a huge smile. "W-What..?! So this means I can go to U.A?! Will you train me?!" Izuku said with a burst of excitement. "Haha Izuku..! Calm down Calm down!" Akumu said starting to dig in the boxes, "Here this scroll is how to use your techniques, unfortunately I won't be able to train you but you can train yourself!" Akumu said handing the scroll to Izuku, and then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a lockbox, "These are three fingers of Sukuna, I couldn't find others so you'll have to find them yourself...! And this!" Akumu said catching his breath before continuing, "This! This is the address to Jujutsu High! They don't get much students these days so , I'm sure you'll get in!" Akumu said before picking up his bag, "I have to leave, Izuku now that I've opened that box curses will be coming for me the stench of the fingers are on me. I'll be back soon enough! And remember don't open the box unless you have full control of Infinity!" Akumu said before putting on a robe and walking out the door while waving bye to Izuku.

"Bye Izuku"

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"Bye Izuku"

"Bye Father!"

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