My Love?

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this chapter I started making up safe words for Inumaki, So Sorry! I couldn't stay consistent with the anime/manga on that, because some words I need him to say didn't quite have a safe word!

"RIKKKAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOO!" Izuku yelled his sky blue six eyes turning blood red, "Finally the brat lost control." 

"RIKAAAA!" Izuku jumped up out of his sleep screaming causing everyone to run in his room and peek at the door, "Again..?" Sora said with a worried look, "Yea..Again." Izuku said looking down sadly, "We should get that checked, not normal for the same dream to be popping up so much." Sora said clipping her apron back on and going to the kitchen, Izuku then receives a call from his teacher which he picks up, "Change of plans Izuku!" "Hm? Not likely of the higher ups to change plans.." "Ah who cares about the higher ups! You're gonna let that girl spend the rest of her days as a person alright?" "Yessir!" Izuku then hung up and jumped out of bed, he then walked into the kitchen to see Rika sitting on the floor playing with the twin dogs, "Guys change of plans! Sensei said bring Rika to school but keep guard!" Izuku said dancing around, "King fish plant?" Inumaki said with a strange look, "Yea thats what I told teacher, but he said don't worry about it he'll take the fall for it!" Izuku then receives a call again, "Huh..? Again?" Izuku said before answering the phone

"Teach?" "Yea Izuku I just got informed by the higher ups that Utahime and Mei Mei have been taking longer than usual on a mission. Mine going pick them up?" "Nah Teach! I got it!" "No you don't bring Sora with you. I haven't even spilled that I told you guys to disobey them, I don't need you causing more trouble."  The teacher then promptly hung up and Izuku sighs, "Mustard leaf?" Inumaki said looking worried, "Its nothing Inumaki, I'll need you to guard against opposing hitmen, me and Sora have to go pick up Utahime and Mei Mei" Izuku said taking off his glasses for a second and rubbing his eyes then putting them back on. "Utahime?!" Sora said her face turning red, "Oh yeah! I forgot about your lil crush on her!" Izuku said poking her arm, "Tch! Idiot.." Sora said blushing and walking towards the door

"Mei Mei! I almost out of cursed energy, I won't be able to keep this up for much longer!" Utahime said crying, "Don't worry dear. I'll let you recov-" Mei Mei said before being cut off by a voice outside, "You sure this the place Sora? Seems kinda bland!" Izuku said looking unimpressed, "Yeah this is the place" Sora said looking through the windows, "You set up the screen?" Izuku said sitting on the front step, "Yep, why do you-" Sora was then cut off by Izuku saying, "Cursed Technique:Lapse Blue" Izuku controlled the blue ball to destroy the house leaving remnants of it still there. Izuku then sees Utahime and the ground her face stained with tears, "Aww Utahime, you gonna cry?" He made a remark chuckling, "Want me to comfort you baby bear?" Izuku said still laughing. "Mmm Gojo, would you comfort me...If I was crying?" Mei Mei said seductively making Izuku blush. "Ahh Mei Mei there you are! Was wondering why you were so quiet!" Izuku said with a big smile, Sora then jumps down and starts to comfort Utahime, "Yea, they're definitely meant for each other" Izuku said looking down at the two when he recives a text from Inumaki, "Shit..."

"Sensei!" "Izuku?!" "Sensei, The Star Plasma Vessel has disappeared!" "Shit! I'm coming!" "No! Sensei, before the Star Plasma Vessel left, she told me I can use a technique called Ten Shadows! I did some research, is there any Shikigami that can help me search?!" "Shit Izuku! We're gonna have to talk after this but there is one! His name is Nue! Make a bird symbol with your hands! Remember you'll have to fight him first, but I'm sure that won't be a problem!" 

"Let's do this" Izuku said then making a bird symbol with his hands and yelling, "NUE!" A owl like bird comes out which Izuku promptly one shots with a Lapse Blue, summoning him again he instructs him to fly out and find Rika. "Alright Sora, you go see if she's been captured by anyone just search everywhere that me and Inumaki are not, they couldn't have gotten far if Rika is fighting back, Inumaki you check her house, she may have gotten homesick and went home, Ill check her school!" Izuku then running off

"Rika?!" Izuku said as he makes the doors of a classroom fly open

"Rika?!" Izuku said running up to her and starts feeling on her face checking if she's alright

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"Rika?!" Izuku said running up to her and starts feeling on her face checking if she's alright. "Gojo?! What are you doing here?!" Rika said, "You know you can't just run off by yourself! With the cursed energy coming off you, you'll attract all kinds of hitmen!" Izuku said sighing, "I think you've attracted more attention than me!" Rika said pointing at her class room

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"Sorry ladies. The names Izuku Gojo." Izuku said acting flashy which causes the girls to scream. "Calm down girls. Sir, you shouldn't be here you know that right" The teacher says walking up to him, "But, I'll let you pass if you take my number" She finished whispering that last part, "OI YOU'RE TRYING TO GET HIS NUMBER ALSO!" The class said, "You girls be quiet! He needs a mature woman like me!" The teacher says turning back around who finds him and Rika gone.

"MUSTARD LEAF!" Inumaki said looking at Rika with an angry look, "INUMAKI'S RIGHT YOU HAD US WORRIED!" Sora said irritated who then looks at Rika looking down sad, "I-I'm sorry I just wanted to enjoy life a little more..." Rika said, Sora then starts feeling bad for her, "Gojo here was the one who was worried the most!" Sora said with a smirk, "HAHHH?! WAS NOT!" Izuku yelled embarrassed, "Between you and me Rika, he actually took charge for once!" Sora said making Rika laugh, Sora and Izuku bicker the whole way home making fun of each other while Inumaki and Rika laugh. 

"Welp...They've had their fun! It's time!" A coal dark haired man said on a rooftop he then promptly jumps down and calls someone, "Send Baggy and The Old Man, It's time." The man said.


5th Episode of Sovereignty

3rd Episode of Not So Bad

1st Episode of Emancipator 

ARE GONNA BE STRAIGHT FIRE(I'm extremely scared I'm gonna let you guys down) But yeah all the fight scenes are coming and these fights are gonna be major plot points in both stories!

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