The Disgraced One.

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Alright so to get chapter's out quicker, I will be alternating between my current writing style and group chat style, unless you guys prefer quality over quantity. Just tell me how you guys like it because I can get out chapter quicker with Group Chat style but they won't be as detailed. If I stay with my current style, It'll come out slow but be detailed. Tell me which you guys prefer! 


Guy 1: "What's up"

Guy 2: "The Sky."

Guy 1: "You're fired."

Guy 1 then slapped Guy 2.

"So! Rika!" Izuku said putting his arm around her shoulder and slouching down, "You got anything planned for today?" He finished taking some pool noodles out a storage closet, "Yea! after we head to the beach, we're going to go pick up my mom and head to the fair in town! After that we're going to go to the Greenhouse next to Jujutsu High!" Rika said before gaining a sad look, "T-then that's it." She finished looking down, "'s going to be ok...I'm going to be there the whole time..." Izuku said hugging her while kissing her forehead, "I-Izuku...I'm not ready to go, I thought I was, b-but I don't think I am..." Rika said crying into his chest, "It's okay Rika, we all think we are going to be brave in the face of death, but when it comes we crumble." Izuku said lifting her head up and looking into her eyes, "'s okay, even if it means sacrificing the world, I'll protect you..." Izuku said smiling, "T-Thank you Izuku.."

"OIIII LOOK RIKA!" Izuku yelled pointing at a sea cucumber, "LOOK ITS A SEA CUCUMBER, IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE YOU!" Izuku said laugh, "AHH YOU JERK!" Rika yelled tackling him into the sand, "AHAHHAHAH" Izuku laughed actually having fun for once. "Lettuce Cat..." Inumaki said smiling and running towards Izuku and Rika tackling them into the water. "OIIII THIS ISN'T FAIR THIS IS A TWO VERSUS ONE!" Izuku said flailing his arms around from under the two, "SORAAAA HELPPP!" Izuku yelled which made Sora jump up and jump into the water creating a big wave knocking the two off of Izuku, they then have a fun time going to pick up Rika's mom, Once found they finished their day off and and now have passed the gate of Jujutsu High.

"Rika, t-this may be the last time I see you so, I love you..." Izuku said tapping on Rika's shoulder and looking down, "I-Izuku, like you s-said don't worry everything will be alright.." Rika said hugging Izuku and looking up at him, "I...I love you too..." Rika said then kissing Izuku, he kisses back and the group starts walking together staying close to Rika, "NNGH!" Izuku yelled as a sword entered his body.

" Rika said then kissing Izuku, he kisses back and the group starts walking together staying close to Rika, "NNGH!" Izuku yelled as a sword entered his body

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"IZUKUUUUUUU!" Rika yelled trying to run towards him but was grabbed by Sora, "DON'T! I'm fine Rika he missed all my vital organs. Now RUN!" Izuku said as they ran away he then started looking back, "Hah? Toji Fushigoro? I thought you died! Twice!" Izuku said with a smile, "Yeah, Toji Fushigoro died, but he was a failure! My name is Chizome Zenin!" The man said then continued, "Or if you keep up with the hero world, they call me Hero Killer Stain..." The man now revealed to be the man who had murdered multiple top pros, "Then why are you here. You've made it pretty obvious you only want to kill fake heroes. We aren't even heroes!" Izuku said with a strange look, "Nah thats just a cover. It's all for money." Stain said noticing the Lapse Blue Izuku was charging up, "And I thought the Zenin's were in on this what's up with that?" Izuku said trying to buy more time, "Yea, I went rogue but unlike the failure I take pride in my name!" Stain said kicking Izuku off the sword and disappearing. "Damn he noticed." Izuku said looking around, "Coward! Where are you!" Izuku yelled looking around, "I'm everything, everywhere, all at once.." Stain's voice was heard from all over, "Can't be everywhere if there's nothing to be HAH?! FUSION TECHNIQUE! LAPSED CLEAVE!" Izuku yelled out as the ground around him was destroyed and everything else was slashed and slice, Izuku had noticed he couldn't sense the man's cursed energy. "YOU'RE A QUIRK USER AREN'T YOU!" Izuku yelled out, "Wow! Congratulations! You're quick!" Stain yelled from on top of the gate, "CLEAVE!" Izuku yelled and the post was sliced in half, but Stain was no longer there. "You curse users think quirk users are so much under you! You guys never prepare for when one is stronger than you. My quirk is called, Heavenly Restriction! The stronger the one I face, my quirk analyzes to them and boost my physical abilities. But it takes time! A few days at least!" Stain yelled again from on a tree, "LAPSE BLUE! So that means you've been watching us for a few days now huh? I get it now! You were the one who set the bounty on me, so you can analyze my cursed technique and adapt to it!" Izuku said missing Stain once again, but then he gets an idea, he saw a storage curse on Stain's back, if he can't sense the user he may be able to sense the curse. "I've figured it out! It may be so small that I can barely sense it! but I've found you!" Izuku yelled predicting the places Stain teleports and use cleave or lapse blue there, "You don't think I've prepared for that?" Stain releases a bunch of cursed insects trying to throw Izuku off but he was already on the scent then it disappeared, "I-It's gone?" Izuku thought out loud, he then thinks, "RIKA?!" Izuku yelled turning to where they ran.

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