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Please Note that the number of characters would definitely increase.

Luke Timi Olawale:

¹First son of Chief Gbenga Olawale.
²Formerly Engineer.
³Has a brain disorder.
⁴Age:Thirty four.
⁵Marital status: single.
Physical features:Tall 6'2, Chocolate, handsome, Childish.
Character:acts like a psycho except when he is around Lilian ,that's when he acts like an over grown baby.
Mood swings, Cheerful when happy,throws tantrums when sad.

Lilian Cheta Ejiofor.

¹Only daughter of Mr James Ejiofor out of three children.
²Youngest medical doctor in the state.
Features:Light skinned,pretty,curvy 5'9 height.
³Marital status:Single.
⁴Age:Twenty eight.
Character: introvert, Workaholic, Too Merciful,Does things with out thinking.

Chantelle Fumnanya Obi.

¹Lily's best and only friend.
²Business woman.
³Mother of three.
Features: Average height,ebony skinned, chubby and beautiful.
⁵Character: Blunt, Loudmouthed, extrovert.

Henry Nduka.

Lily's colleague.
A doctor.
Has something for Lily.
Age:Thirty two.
Features: Fair,Cute,6'1 height.
Character: Arrogant, cocky/goofy, playboy.
Marital status: Single.

Mrs Ejiofor Lizabeth.
Lily's mother.
Proud mother of three.
Sassy, dramatic,sharp mouthed but Loving.
Typical African mother.
Lilian got her looks from her but skin colour from her husband.

Mr James Ejiofor.

Lily's father.
Calm,collected, patient,soft spoken.
Loves his children.
Retired Teacher.
Age: sixty-five.
Features: More than average height,aged and still handsome.

Ejiofor Festus and Felix.

Lily's Elder twin brothers.

Both are business men.

Marital status:Both are married.

Features: Exactly like thier Dad,had a mix of mum and dad's skin colour.

Chief Gbenga Olawale.

¹Timi's father.
²Sucessful well known business man.
³Average,stout,dark complexioned.
⁴Has a serious drift with his son.
But actually cares for him.

Mrs Funkẹ Olawale

¹ Mr Gbenga's Second wife and Timi's stepmother.
²Cunning, diabolic, ruthless and materialistic.
³Extremely Light skinned as a result of heavy use of toning products, averagely tall and not particularly beautiful.

More characters as we go on and on .

It's still..

Your fave Naija writer,

Nazaking 💋💋


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